Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3956: Tangling of Shangguan Family 3

The fact that Nangong Yuehua returned to the Nangong family also spread to the Shangguan family.

At this time, the Great Elder, Shangguanxiang, and several elders were all in the courtyard of Shangguan Company.

Hearing the news reported by his subordinates, Shang Guanxiang showed a shocked expression on his face, and stood up from his chair awkwardly, "You...what did you say? You said Nangong Yuehua woke up?"

"Yes!" the guard said with a fist, "Yes, Patriarch, Nangong Yuehua really woke up, they are now in the Nangong family!"

Shangguanxiang still had a shocked look on his face, but he was a little bit more delighted, "Yuehua...It's okay, she woke up!"

The difference from Shangguanxiang was the great elder. Hearing that Nangong Yuehua woke up, he immediately thought of Mu Yue.

"Is Nangong Yuehua really safe and sound?" the elder eagerly asked the guard.

The guard nodded, "Yes!"

"Nangong Yuehua, who had been in a coma for more than ten years, woke up unexpectedly. That doesn't prove that Mu Yue's medical skills are very high!" The elder muttered to himself.

Although Mu Yue was the one-hundred and ninth generation descendant of Xuanyi, she underestimated her medical skills because of her age.

After all, who told them to already know Mu Yue's cultivation base now, she is now in the late stage of refining the emptiness and the Dao!

It must take a lot of time to cultivate such a high level, and it is impossible to always focus on medical skills.

But now the news of Nangong Yuehua let them know that sometimes, geniuses really can't be underestimated!

Sometimes, when a genius becomes evil, it is definitely a miracle.

"Her medical skills are so powerful?" The Great Elder still muttered to himself in disbelief.

Unable to resist, the elder wanted Mu Yue to detoxify Shangguanlian.

It was really members of their Shangguan family who had already hired many smart doctors outside, and they couldn't help Shangguan company detoxify.

In their minds, they never had the idea to find someone from the secular world to detoxify Shangguanlian. In their hearts, Western medicine in the secular world is not as good as traditional Chinese medicine, and there is no way to detoxify, so they don’t even want This allowed them to detoxify Shangguanlian.

When Shangguanlian’s mother heard the news of Nangong Yuehua, she rushed to the elder’s face and pleaded, “Father, let Mu Yue detoxify our Lian’er! Now that she can easily control her in the ring Lian'er's body is extremely poisonous, so it should be able to detoxify him!"

Although Shangguanlian's mother had never met Mu Yue, she knew about Nangong Yuehua's situation.

She knew that Nangong Yuehua had been lying in bed for more than ten years, and had found many doctors, but there was no way to rescue her.

However, how long has Mu Yue come to the Ancient Martial Realm now, she has already rescued her.

Now her son is very poisoned, lying on the bed, not knowing his life or death, she still doesn't know if her son will survive.

Therefore, she wants to ask the elder to save her son. Her son has just started!

His son is now the young master of the Shangguan family, and his future achievements are extraordinary.

She didn't care about Mu Yue and Shangguan's grievances, she only wanted her son to live.

Moreover, she also knew that the reason Shangguan Lian was able to live now was because of the treatment that Mu Yue gave him on the stage.

Mu Yue had already been able to control the poison in such a simple way before, and that should be able to detoxify.

"Let me think about it again!" The Great Elder glanced at Shang Guan Xiang hesitantly and waved his hand.

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