Seeing that the elder did not agree, Shangguanlian's mother hurriedly knelt in front of Shangguanxiang, "Patriarch, please let Mu Yue come to detoxify Lian'er!"

She is just a woman, she doesn't know anything about family reputation, she only wants her son to live.

Shangguanxiang recovered from the news of Nangong Yuehua’s awakening. He looked at Shangguanlian’s mother who was kneeling on the ground, frowned and said, “I know that Lien’er has been poisoned, and no one can treat it now, but , Mu Yue can heal him or not, we don't know yet!"

Now, Shangguan didn't even think about the grudge between them and Mu Yue.

Knowing that all of this was designed by Nangong Wanting, their targeting at the time seemed to hit the air.

Moreover, they also vented their anger to the wrong target, and should not target Nangong Yuehua.

It's just that the hatred of the year has been settled, and it is not so easy to remove it.

The most important thing is that the reason why Shangguan Company was poisoned was that Nangong Wanting caused him to poison him, so he couldn't directly refuse it.

That's why he said this to Shangguanlian's mother.

When Shangguanlian’s mother heard Shangguanxiang’s words, she burst into tears, "What can we do? Lien'er can't have trouble! His life has just begun, how could he just die like this! Patriarch, I beg you to heal Lien'er !"

Facing the cry of Shangguanlian's mother, Shangguanxiang frowned somewhat displeased, turned his head and glanced at the elder, and said, "Elder, what do you think about this matter?"

The great elder frowned when he heard Shangguanxiang questioning him, and said, "I am Lian'er's grandfather, so I naturally hope that I can ask Mu Yue to detoxify Lian'er!"

Since Shangguan Xiang had asked so, he also hoped that the Patriarch could agree. After all, he finally waited until his grandson could become the Young Patriarch and become Patriarch in the future.

I used to feel that there was Shangguan's shadow, and I couldn't let my grandson be the head of the family. Now that I have such a good opportunity, the young master is already his grandson, and I must not let such a good opportunity pass from my hands.

Shangguanxiang thought about it, thought about the grievances between his family and Mu Yue, and said, "This matter is still a family meeting!"

Hearing Shangguanxiang's words, the elder nodded, "Yes!"

He also knew that he was able to get his own people to agree to the grievances between his family, the Nangong family, and Mu Yue, but some people were a little unsure about it.

However, he was still able to get them to agree, after all, the current situation couldn't help them.

Shangguan Lian's mother looked at the elder expectantly, "Father, you must save Lian'er!"

The elder patted Shangguanlian's mother, and said, "Okay, you don't care about this, you can take care of Lian'er first!"

Shangguanlian's mother nodded and went back to take care of Shangguanlian.

However, in Shangguanlian's mother's heart, she has decided that if the family does not seek Mu Yue, then she asks for it, and she must detoxify Shangguanlian.

"Patriarch!" The Great Elder looked at Shangguan Xiang.

Shangguanxiang nodded and left the courtyard of Shangguanlian.

In fact, Shangguanxiang still wanted to see Nangong Yuehua. She didn't know how she was now, whether it was really as rumored, she was really well.

However, thinking of the grievances between himself and Nangong Yuehua back then, it seemed that it could not be easily resolved.

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