Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3970: See Nangong Wanting 1

Mu Yue and Mu Haixuan did not listen, but watched the chat between Nangong Yuehua and Shangguanxiang face to face at the door.

They looked like this, they were worried that Shang Guanxiang would do something to hurt Nangong Yuehua, but they didn't listen to what they were talking about.

After watching Nangong Yuehua and Shangguan Xiang for a full half an hour, the two talented people came back after talking.

When Nangong Yuehua came back, her eyes were red, and she wiped the tears from her cheeks.

Seeing Nangong Yuehua crying, Mu Haixuan hurriedly stepped forward to help and wiped the tears on her cheeks with distress.

"Why are you crying!" Mu Haixuan said to Nangong Yuehua with concern.

Nangong Yuehua smiled slightly, wiped her tears, and shook her head, "It's okay!"

Shangguanxiang watched the actions of Mu Haixuan and Nangong Yuehua, then turned his head to look at Mu Yue, and said, "I will ask someone to send Nangong Wanting and the others over, but Shangguan Xiaoyao escaped!"

"Well, I know!" Mu Yue nodded.

When the Grand Elder heard that Shangguanxiang was willing to send Nangong Wanting over, he looked at Mu Yue expectantly, "Miss Mu, we have already sent Nangong Wanting and the others here, can you go to detoxify Lian'er?"

When Mu Yue heard the words of the elder, a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and said mockingly, "Hehe, this is a deal between me and your Patriarch, hand it over to Nangong Wanting, let him see my mother!"

When the elder heard this, he immediately stopped doing it, "You just said that as long as we hand over Nangong Wanting and them, you will go!"

Mu Yue rolled his eyes, "That's my deal with you, not with Shangguanxiang, and you are not sincere in the deal! So, you should go back! Wait until you hand over a valuable deal, come again Find me!"

The great elder was suddenly so angry that his body was trembling.

He didn't expect that Mu Yue was unwilling to detox Shangguanlian!

Xiao Junyan glanced at the Great Elder coldly, and was very dissatisfied with the trouble he had troubled Mu Yue, and said threateningly, "Send Nangong Wanting and the others, and you will leave again!"

Now that they have already said that they must hand over Nangong Wanting and them before they can leave, they are detained first.

Shangguanxiang hadn't recovered from the chat with Nangong Yuehua. He sat on the chair and waved his hand to the bottom of his hand, "Go back and bring them here!"

For him, Nangong Wanting and their lives and deaths, he does not care, anyway, he has already met Nangong Yuehua.

Nangong Yuehua also hoped that he could hand over Nangong Wanting, and she wanted to ask her why she did it back then.

When Nangong Wanting came over, he also wanted her to talk about why she did it in front of Nangong Yuehua.

After all, Nangong Wanting hasn't said the specific reason yet, and he doesn't know, he wants to know more about what Nangong Wanting did back then.

"Yes!" Hearing Shangguanxiang's order, the subordinates hurried back to bring Nangong Wanting and the others.

Not to mention that Shangguanxiang and the others are in this Nangong house, and there is no way to resist, let alone being threatened by Xiao Junyan, a master at the pinnacle of refining the void.

The Grand Elder was very entangled and angry, very angry at Mu Yue's attitude.

Ever since he became the elder of the Shangguan family, he had never been treated with such ridicule, and now he was ridiculed by the yellow-haired girl Mu Yue.

However, he couldn't take revenge on her, and had to figure out how to persuade Mu Yue to detoxify Shangguanlian.

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