Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3971: See Nangong Wanting 2

The members of the Shangguan family escorted Nangong Wanting and Shangguan Yanran to the Shangguan family. As for Shangguanying, he was brought over, and when he was brought over, he was still in a coma.

Mu Yue just glanced at Shangguan Ying faintly, and asked the Nangong family to stay with Shangguan Ying first, and by the way, also brought the Great Elder and Qian Lejun over.

When Nangong Wanting and Shangguan Yanran saw Mu Yue, their faces were full of anger.

However, seeing Nangong Yuehua sitting in a chair and leaning on Mu Haixuan's abdomen in Nangong Wanting, her eyes widened in surprise in an instant.

"Nangong Yuehua!" Nangong Wanting almost hissed.

Hearing Nangong Wanting calling herself, Nangong Yuehua turned her head to look at her, the expression in her eyes was very complicated.

She didn't know what attitude and mood to face her at this time. After all, everything she encountered was caused by her.

"No, no...impossible, how can you wake up! Impossible!" Nangong Wanting's eyes were incredulous, and there was only one thought in her mind, ignoring the venue where she was.

Seeing Nangong Wanting's performance, Shangguanxiang, Nangong Linfeng and others stared at her angrily.

Mu Yue had a playful smirk at the corner of her mouth and looked at Nangong Wanting, "Why can't it? Do you think that no one can cure the poison you gave my mother? As long as I want to, just a little bit Small poison can be relieved easily!"

Mu Haixuan also snorted coldly and looked at Nangong Wanting mockingly, "Idiot!"

Yes, in his heart, Nangong Wanting is an idiot, do you think that little poison can kill Nangong Yuehua?

Nangong Yuehua also spoke to Nangong Wanting with a proud tone, "I have a daughter who makes me proud! She can detoxify my body!"

"Yuehua's poison has already been resolved, but I have been keeping it from you and your mother, so that you don't know it!" Mu Haixuan also said braggingly, "Just wait for you to jump down and make you dead. !"

There was no way to find the previous evidence, but now the evidence can still be found, and she can create it herself.

As long as Nangong Wanting is pressed, she can do everything.

Nangong Wanting stared angrily at Nangong Yuehua, really wishing to eat her.

Nangong Yuehua stood up slowly, looked at Nangong Wanting, and asked in anguish, "Nangong Wanting, I treat you well, why do you do these things?"

Seeing Nangong Yuehua standing in front of her safe and sound, and looking at Shangguanxiang, the hatred in her heart continued to rise, and she looked at Nangong Yuehua with a sneer.

"Why, you still ask me why!" Nangong Wanting pointed her chest and looked at Nangong Yuehua with a ridiculous expression.

It seems that the wrong person was Nangong Yuehua, not herself. Everything she did was just revenge, she was just revenge, nothing wrong!

Nangong Yuehua frowned and looked at Nangong Wanting, and said with a bit of anger, "I always treat you as my own sister. I have never done anything to be sorry for you!"

She just couldn't figure out why Nangong Wanting did so and did so many things.

Is it just because you want to marry Shangguanxiang?

If it's for Shangguanxiang, you won't have a relationship with the son of the elder.

Therefore, she has to ask clearly why Nangong Wanting did this.

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