Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3985: Don't be an enemy with Mu Yue 1

Shangguanxiang and the others took the Taishang elder back to their Shangguan family.

However, on the carriage, Shangguanxiang and the Great Elder still questioned the Supreme Elder.

"Elder Taishang, can you tell me!" Shangguanxiang asked with a sullen expression.

The old elder Taishang is full of pain and sorrow on his face, "I regret it, I regret going to kill Mu Yue! That girl movie is simply a evildoer, a devil!"

Shangguanxiang and the Great Elder glanced at each other, and both saw a bit of incomprehension and curiosity in each other's eyes.

"Elder Supreme, when did you kill Mu Yue? What happened to you during this period? How did Mu Yue treat you?" The Elder was very curious and asked the Elder Supreme.

The elder Taishang said, "Not long after they came to the ancient martial world, Nangong Wanting came to me and urged me to kill Mu Yue!"

Hearing these words from the Supreme Elder, both Shang Guanxiang and the Great Elder's expressions were very ugly.

They didn't expect that this Nangong Wanting had done so many things behind her back, and even found the Supreme Elder.

The Supreme Elder didn’t notice the changes in Shangguanxiang’s and Elder’s expressions, and continued, “I went to find Mu Yue, but I found out that I didn’t understand Mu Yue at all. I didn’t expect her cultivation level to have changed. It's the middle stage of refining the void and the Dao. She used me to let me be her stepping stone, making her the late stage of the refining of the void and the Dao. This is the true late stage of the refining of the void and the Dao!"

Thinking of this, the elder Taishang felt extremely regretful in his heart, like a continuous river.

Shangguanxiang and the great elder suddenly showed shocked expressions on their faces.

They didn't expect that before Mu Yue came to the ancient martial realm, her cultivation was only in the middle stage of refining the void and combining the Dao. She broke through to the late stage of refining the void and combining the Dao.

It seemed that Mu Yue's cultivation base was real, and it was still very solid, and she came up with her own cultivation.

In this case, Na Mu Yue's talent is really against the sky, after all, Mu Yue is only twenty years old now!

Even in ancient times, there were not many of the twenty-year-old Lianxu He Dao late stage.

The elder Taishang said that he was defeated, and only felt that his face was ashamed, but then he was frightened by Mu Yue's methods and showed a look of horror on his face, "I thought Mu Yue would kill me, but he didn't. I thought, instead of killing me, she gave me poison and kept me locked in a dark room. I was suffering in this room. Even if I wanted to bite my tongue and kill myself, I didn’t have the energy, even more. Hit the wall to die!"

Thinking of this, the elder Taishang is lingering in his heart, this is really better than death!

The most painful thing in life is that you can't die even if you want to die. It's really desperate.

Shangguanxiang and the Great Elder became more frightened as they listened, and their faces became very ugly.

"Fortunately, I'm finally out now!" The elder Taishang saw that he was now in his family's carriage, still feeling lingering in his heart.

He really didn't want to endure that kind of pain anymore, let alone see Mu Yue, let alone provoke her!

"Patriarch, Great Elder, I advise you not to retaliate against Mu Yue anymore. She is too terrifying. She is simply a devil. Let her do what she wants to do!" The elder Tai Shang looked up at Shang Guan Xiang and persuaded him. "I really don’t know what she will do to harm the Shangguan family!"

Although the elder Taishang didn't watch the game, he knew who won the game. Mu Yue, in the late stage of refining the void, definitely killed all the contestants!

"I know!"

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