Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3986: Don't be an enemy with Mu Yue 2

Both Shangguanxiang and the Great Elder returned to the Shangguan family with a heavy heart.

When I heard that Shangguanxiang and the others had gone to the Nangong family, they also took Nangong Wanting and them there, and they were all curiously waiting for their arrival.

"Patriarch!" Many elders yelled when they saw Shangguanxiang and the others.

Shangguanxiang ignored them and asked them to send in the elder Taishang first.

The elders were shocked and puzzled when they saw the elder who was brought in. How could the elder be brought back? What is going on here?

"Convene a meeting!" Shang Guanxiang didn't wait for these elders to ask, he directly ordered them to hold a family meeting.

The elders didn't ask too much, knowing that Shangguanxiang would definitely tell them the matter.

A group of people hurriedly went to the meeting room. Even if they hadn't come, they were notified and came to the meeting room.

Shangguanxiang glanced at the elders who had already arrived, and said, "I think many people in the room have already seen the elders who were carried back, right?"

The elders who I saw nodded their heads, and even the elders who didn't know had heard of it.

"It was not long before Mu Yue and the elders arrived in the ancient martial realm, they went to kill Mu Yue, but instead of killing Mu Yue, Mu Yue used him to break through from the middle stage of refining the emptiness to the refining of the void In the later stage of the Dao, the Supreme Elder was captured alive! Moreover, during this period of time, the Supreme Elder was fed poison by Mu Yue, and he has been suffering!" Shang Guanxiang simply told everyone about the matter of the Supreme Elder.

All the members of the Shangguan family showed shocked expressions on their faces when they heard the brief description of Shangguanxiang.

They had always guessed that Mu Yue's talent could not be so enchanting, maybe it was because of taking medicine.

Only now, Shangguanxiang said that Mu Yue stepped on the head of the elder Taishang and broke through to the late stage of Lianxu Hedao.

"Elder Taishang told us not to be enemies with Mu Yue anymore, and it is better to meet all her requirements!" Shang Guanxiang glanced at the elders present and said lightly.

When the elders heard the words, the expressions of the elders who had chased down Nangong Yuehua and them instantly changed, and a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

What do they mean by what Shangguanxiang said, can they still not understand?

"Patriarch, do you mean to hand us over to Mu Yue?" An elder who had hunted down Nangong Yuehua tremblingly surrounded Shangguanxiang.

Shang Guanxiang looked at the elder, his eyes were cold and he didn't speak, but he made the elder sweat and his legs trembled.

"Patriarch, you can't do this. We are all the elders of the Shangguan family. If you hand us over, what face does our Shangguan family have in this ancient martial world!"

"Yes, Patriarch, Mu Yue is hitting our Shangguan family in the face!"

"Patriarch, you go to the Supreme Elder, let them all come out, as long as the Supreme Elder and them come out, Mu Yue's yellow-haired girl is not an opponent of the Supreme Elder at all!"

"That's right, even if Mu Yue is in the late stage of refining the Void and He Dao, the elders and their cultivation are the pinnacle of the Void and He Dao!"

These elders who had already felt a sense of crisis all expressed that they did not want to be handed over to Mu Yue by Shangguanxiang.

Moreover, they also felt that as long as the Supreme Elder of their family came out, Mu Yue would definitely not be their opponent, and she would only be crippled.

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