Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4018: Persuasion to no avail 1

Patriarch Zhuge looked at the members of the Shangguan family with a somewhat playful tone on his face and said, "Haha, the Shangguan family members are probably hardly hit!"

Patriarch Ouyang also nodded in agreement, a playful and gloating smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Yes! I guess I have forgotten the people who are going to help their family now!"

"Yeah!" Patriarch Zhuge nodded, looking at their shocked appearance, they had forgotten what they had done, and he had already laughed in his heart.

Ouyang Tianyu shook his head helplessly, turned to look at Zhuge Jin and said, "How is it?"

Zhuge Jin smiled bitterly, "Hehe, what else? Of course, I gave up, no matter who it is, we can't match it!"

"Yeah! Even if there is no Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue, and Ye Tianming, we can't compare, this time in the secular world, if we rank according to the combat power, the top three are not our ancient martial arts!" Ouyang Tianyu is also a point. Nodded, and said with a sigh.

Although Ye Tianming's cultivation was in the early stage of refining the Void and He Dao, he could see that even Zhuge Jin couldn't beat Ye Tianming.

If this is the case, Zhuge Jin and Shangguan are definitely not even better than him.

I didn't see Ye Tianming's leapfrog Lien Chan's early stage of refining the Void and the Dao, and one or two mid-stage refining of the Void and the Dao.

"It seems that we can no longer underestimate the secular world in the future!" Zhuge Jin sighed slightly and said regretfully.

Ouyang Tianyu gleamed in his eyes, and said faintly, "It seems that we need to pass away from the secular world!"

"Okay, okay!" She was looking at Zhuge Yan with a look of admiration, and she suddenly jumped excitedly and slapped her hands, shouting.

Zhugejin turned her head angered and glared at Zhuge Yan, "You are cultivating well at home!"

Zhugeyan, who was reprimanded, muttered aggrievedly and complained, "Brother, you know you are bullying me! You can all go, why can't I go! Moreover, Mu Yue and the others can do this in the secular world." Abnormal, why am I still in the ancient martial world? I am going to pass away from the secular world. Maybe I can break through faster and have more skill when passing away from the secular world!"

As soon as this remark struck back, Zhuge Jin was speechless, so she turned her head and didn't look at Zhuge Yan, and sighed softly.

Ouyang Tianyu also smiled, looking at Mu Yue and the others, "Let’s take a look first and see how this matter can be resolved!"

Zhuge Jin squinted at Mu Yue and watched her fight. The more he watched, the more he was in awe of her, and he couldn't bear the thought of resisting.

Mu Yue and others, who were fighting with Shangguan Taishang Elder and others, also discovered the arrival of Shangguan's old Patriarch.

Seeing Shangguanxiang's arrival, Mu Yue snorted in his nose, waved a long sword in his hand, and jumped up and flew into the higher air. He turned over and attacked with the sword tip down.

The elders of the Shangguan family around Mu Yue looked up at her, and they also jumped up to attack her.

"Ping pong pong!" The weapons intersected, and there was a crisp sound.


The weapon instantly pierced the arm of the Supreme Elder, and blood splashed.

The face of the elder Taishang who was wounded by the sword was injured by Mu Yue, and his complexion suddenly became very ugly, and his figure moved backwards quickly.

However, Mu Yue took advantage of the victory, and directly identified the Supreme Elder who was in the mid-stage of refining the Void and He Dao and attacked.

The long sword in Mu Yue's hand draws a cold light, followed by a scream of the Supreme Elder.

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