Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4019: Persuasion to no avail 2

Everyone saw that the elder Taishang who was attacked by Mu Yue in the middle stage of Lianxu Hedao had a taste of blood on his body, and the blood instantly stained the clothes of the Taishang elder.

"This... how is it possible!" The face of the elder Taishang in the middle of Lianxu Hedao was still shocked and incredible.

He never expected that he would be seriously injured by a twenty-year-old yellow-haired girl.

If it weren't for the severe pain from the wound on his body, he probably felt that he was dreaming. After all, such a thing was too difficult for him to accept.

Mu Yue saw that the Supreme Elder was severely injured by herself, and a confident smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. She turned around in the air and kicked the Supreme Elder's chest fiercely.

Everyone only saw the Supreme Elder flying upside down like a cannonball, and smashed to the ground fiercely.

The other elders who besieged Mu Yue saw the elders who were kicked out, their faces also showed shocked expressions.

"it is good!"

However, some people applauded the excitement, this is the Nangong family.

Whether it was the guards or the elders of the Nangong family, they clenched their fists in excitement and screamed in excitement.

"Little Miss is amazing!"

"As expected, the little lady, the little lady is our idol!"

"Idol idol!"

"Fat to these old guys from the Shangguan family, the little lady is amazing!"

Everyone was shaking their fists in excitement, cheering for Mu Yue.

They only felt that the Nangong family was going to be proud.

Seeing that Mu Yue had defeated the Supreme Elder of the Shangguan family at a young age, it really gave them a lot of faces.

The old Patriarch of Shangguan looked at the elder of his own family who was kicked out by Mu Yue, and he suddenly shook his heart, and he also recovered from the shock.

"Stop it!" Seeing this posture, the old Patriarch of Shangguan knew that if the fight went on, their Shangguan family would lose their faces, so he stopped quickly.

Xiao Junyan snorted coldly and drank, "Noisy!"

"Get out!" Mu Haixuan also popped out a word of dissatisfaction, and glanced at Shangguan's old Patriarch with disdain.

They naturally know who is talking, but even if they do, they haven't played enough yet!

He said stop and stop? impossible!

When Mu Yue heard the words of Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan, there was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the remaining three elders of the late stage of refining the virtual Hedao.

"That's right, this is our gambling agreement. It's impossible for others to intervene!" Mu Yue sneered and said mockingly, "Whoever intervenes, the rest of the Nangong family will intervene too!"

Hearing Mu Yue’s words, the old Patriarch of Nangong also agreed and said, turning his head and staring at the old Patriarch of the Shangguan family, “That’s right, Shangguan’s dare to challenge our Nangong family so arrogantly, then our Nangong family will never sit back and watch. ignore!"

Shangguan’s old patriarch heard the words of Nangong’s old patriarch, his face became very ugly, and he opened his mouth and didn’t know what to say.

"Uncle, I know that this time it was our Shangguan family's fault. I also heard about their actions and hurried over!" Shangguan's old Patriarch clasped his fist at the old Patriarch of Nangong and said apologetically.

The old Patriarch of Shangguan is Shangguanxiang's father, and his seniority is actually the same as that of Nangong Linfeng, so he can only be regarded as a junior in front of the old Patriarch of Nangong.

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