Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4043: Detoxify Shangguanlian 2

The elders quickly arranged for Shangguanlian to come to the Nangong family and asked Mu Yue to detoxify him.

Mu Yue looked at Shangguanlian who was lying in the guest room, and got his pulse for him.

Chang Ling looked at Mu Yue worriedly, and when she saw that the examination was over, she asked worriedly, "Miss Mu, can you solve it?"

Although Mu Yue said that it can detoxify, but there is no real detoxification after all, so Chang Ling is still very worried, for fear that everything she took out will be in vain.

Mu Yue nodded in Chang Ling's expectant eyes, "Yes!"

"Great!" Chang Ling nodded happily when he heard that Mu Yue could be treated, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Miss Mu, and Miss Mu!"

Mu Yue got up, wrote down a prescription, and handed it to the elders, "You go and buy these medicinal materials. I need to prepare an antidote!"

Even if it was going to be treated, Mu Yue didn't forget to pit the elders. The medicinal materials in it were all fake, and it wasn't at all to relieve Shangguan Company's poison.

This is not only to confuse them with the detoxification formula, but also to make them make up their own space for medicinal materials.

"Okay, I'll let someone buy it right away!" The elder heard this, and quickly let the guards outside to buy medicine.

As long as it can detoxify Shangguanlian, the cost of the medicinal materials in this list is already considered low.

Mu Yue returned to the bedside and took out his silver needle to give Shangguanlian acupuncture.

At this time, Shangguan Lian was pale due to the poisoning, his lips were also blue, his eyes closed and he was in a coma.

The elders were all worried watching Mu Yue even acupuncture Shangguan, wondering if they could really detoxify him.

After administering the injection to Shangguan Lian, he waited for the guards of the Shangguan family to buy the medicinal materials.

Soon, the guards bought medicinal materials from the medicine shop near the Nangong family and gave them to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue took the medicinal materials and said to the elder, "I am developing an antidote, you can wait here!"

"Okay!" The elder nodded and watched Mu Yue leave with the medicinal materials to go to another room.

Although he was worried about Shangguan Lian, he also understood that he was so sophisticated. It is estimated that the amount of these medicinal materials is fake, and some medicinal materials may be real or fake.

The great elder is very clear about this, but he doesn't point it out. Who wants them to ask for it now?

When Chang Ling saw Mu Yue leaving, she dared to ask the elder, "Dad, do you think Mu Yue can really detoxify Lian'er?"

Asking now, I am afraid that if Mu Yue is present and asking, if she hears it, she will make Mu Yue angry, and will not detox Shangguanlian.

Mu Yue left now, taking advantage of the emptiness to ask, giving herself peace of mind.

The elder glanced at Shangguanlian, who was no longer so pale on the bed, and nodded, "Definitely!"

Whether it can be or not, this is their only hope.

Moreover, the change in Shangguanlian's complexion is the best proof, she will definitely be able to detoxify.

Chang Ling seemed to be truly relieved after receiving the comfort of the elder, but she still folded her hands and prayed, "God, please bless you, you must let Mu Yue detoxify Lian'er, and bless the poison on Lian'er can be removed smoothly... ...Bless and bless..."

After Mu Yue entered the room, he did not develop an antidote. Instead, he entered the space directly and put the medicinal materials into the medicinal material cabinet in his own space.

Of course, Mu Yue had already known about Shangguan Company's poison, and had already prepared the medicine for understanding. This was just a pretense.

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