Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4044: Detoxify Shangguanlian 3

Seeing that the time was almost up, Mu Yue only found space and handed the antidote to the elder, "There are ten detoxification pills in it. First give Shangguan one pill. You should be able to wake up after half an hour. Nine to remove the poison from his body!"

The Grand Elder took the porcelain bottle that Mu Yue handed over, nodded and said gratefully, "Thank you, Miss Mu!"

Mu Yue nodded, but still reminded, "These ten antidote cannot be missed by one. If you want to study it, don’t fail to study it at the end, because there is residual poison in the body after the last one is missing. Even if you give me all the things in your Shangguan's treasure house at that time, I will not detoxify you again!"

When the elder heard Mu Yue's words, the expression on his face became stiff, and he nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, I would never do this!"

To be honest, the Great Elder really wanted to let people study the antidote.

But, she didn't expect Mu Yue to say this, and the elder was so scared that the little bit of careful thought in his heart was directly pinched into the bud.

The Grand Elder didn't dare to gamble, because he thought about those guys in his family, whether it was Shangguanlian or those elders who were too elders, who couldn't get rid of the poison. Obviously, they were all those who just eat and do nothing.

I was also worried that they would not be able to come up with anything, and instead ruined the antidote. In the end, Shangguan Lian didn't clear the residual poison on his body, and it would really be ineffective every day.

Therefore, for the safety of Shangguan Company's life, the elder directly abandoned the idea of ​​research, and it was important to save Shangguan Company's life first.

Seeing the appearance of the great elder, Mu Yue gave a slight smile at the corner of her mouth and nodded, "Well, you can take care of him here. You can leave when he wakes up, I'll go! "

"Thank you, Miss Mu!" The elder nodded and watched Mu Yue leave.

Chang Ling gave Shangguan Lian the medicine, and looked at him worriedly, "Is it okay?"

"Wait, you can see the effect in half an hour!" The Great Elder walked over and said, looking at Shangguan Company lying on the bed.

And Mu Yue happily returned to her yard.

Seeing Mu Yue coming back, Xiao Junyan asked with concern, "Is it okay?"

Mu Yue, who was questioned, showed a dumbfounded smile on her face, rolled her eyes angrily, "Of course it's okay, what can be done! Didn't I tell you? This is the Nangong family, they dare to do it here, they Don't even want to leave the Nangong family! And my cultivation is higher than that of the great elder, it is impossible to harm me!

Ye Tianming looked at Xiao Junyan's appearance and said with a smile, "Little sister-in-law, you don't know. After you left, the boss has been watching at the door to see if you are here!"

While talking, Xiao Junyan shot him with a cold eye knife.

Ye Tianming suddenly showed a begging smile on his face, but he also said what he should say, and he was happy in his heart.

Mu Yue listened to Ye Tianming's words and smiled and put her arms around Xiao Junyan's arm, "You, just worry, you should trust me!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, but he explained, "Miss you!"

In fact, he didn't think he was worried about Mu Yue outside, but he didn't want to be separated from her for too long.

Mu Yue listened and laughed pouting, only that this man was really clinging to him than his son.


Thanks Xia, Katze for your reward! muah!

The new article already has ideas, and the main line is already there! It's just a matter of preparing more plot combinations! Only now there are two types of text! Let's vote for which one you want to see!

Both should be space system texts!

1: In the rebirth era, it is still the heroine who slapped her face and stepped on people, making a fortune

2: Rebirth in the entertainment industry, the heroine enters the entertainment industry and the medical world, pretending to be B on the face, making fans and patients love and hate, making doctors envy and envy

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