Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4066: Coaxing little grandson 1

Mu Haixuan, who was holding a little bun at the door, heard the voice of Yuehua from Nangong in the room. He really started to cry. What a thing!

Mu Yue also didn't expect that Nangong Yuehua would actually speak, turn her head, and show her admiration to her mother's admired thumbs up.

It turned out that Nangong Yuehua is the most powerful than ruthless!

A thick smile flashed through Xiao Junyan's eyes, and he was also gloating at Mu Haixuan in his heart.

"Dad, the little bun is still crying, I won't open the door!" Mu Yue also reminded Mu Haixuan outside with a smile.

Mu Haixuan was so depressed in his heart, speechless, and stared at the door fiercely.

"Little bun, be good, don't cry!" Mu Haixuan hurriedly hugged the little bun, hugged it lightly, and comforted softly, "Grandpa is going to call you little ancestor, what on earth do you want to stop crying?"

The little bun rubbed his eyes, the golden beans fell down and said in a soft and cute voice, "Many red envelopes, many red envelopes!"

"Good..." Mu Haixuan nodded, holding the little bun to one side, and comforted in a low voice, "Little bun, let grandpa go in first, and then grandpa will give you a lot of red envelopes, how about?"

"No!" Little Bun shook his little head, "I want a red envelope, I want my mother, I want my mother!"

Mu Haixuan was very helpless, but he hurriedly said comfortingly to the little bun, "Little bun, be good, don’t cry, you can ask your mother, as long as you want your mother, grandpa will help you, and if you have grandpa and grandma, your mother is you. Yes, your stinky baba will definitely not dare to bully you, nor will it stop you from pestering your mother!"

What does the little bun want, can he as a grandfather know? Not for Mu Yue.

Therefore, at this time, if Xiao Baozi obediently agreed not to cry, he could only start with Mu Yue.

"Really?" Xiao Baozi blinked and looked at Mu Haixuan.

Mu Haixuan nodded, "Really! How could Grandpa lie to you?"

"Lagougou!" Xiao Baozi stretched out his short, fleshy little fingers, and said to Mu Haixuan.

Mu Haixuan smiled and pulled the little bun on the hook, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, don't cry!" Mu Haixuan wiped the tears and nose from Xiao Baozi's face, and said comfortingly with a smile.

The little bun nodded his little head, stretched out his fleshy little hand, and continued, "Grandpa, red envelope!"

Mu Haixuan could hear Mu Yue's words and almost staggered under his feet and fell to the ground.

"Little bun, let's talk and count!" Mu Haixuan gritted his teeth and said to the little bun.

This kid, he really wants to hit his ass, but he can't bear it anymore, what should he do?

"Yes!" Little Bun nodded his little head and said aggrievedly, "Yu'er won't cry anymore, but there are a lot of red envelopes!"

The corner of Mu Haixuan's mouth twitched fiercely. He seemed, as if, he didn't really talk about the red envelopes just now, just to make the little bun not cry.

Thinking of this, Mu Haixuan really wanted to slap himself in the mouth, what is it!

"Little bun, the red envelope is on your grandmother's side. Grandpa gave all the money to your grandmother, so you need to get it in your grandmother's hands. Shall we go get it now?" Mu Haixuan rolled his eyes and smiled. Said to the little bun.

Little Bun blinked his eyes, seeming to believe it, and nodded his little head, "Hmm!"

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