Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4067: Coax the little grandson 2

The little bun who was in Mu Haixuan's arms stretched out his fleshy little hand, "heavyly" slapped the door, making a crisp sound, "Open the door! Mom... Mom..."

Mu Yue smiled when she heard her precious son calling herself, and wanted to open the door, but Xiao Junyan held her hand, "The stinky boy's mission has not been completed yet!"

"It must be done!" Mu Yue raised her eyebrows and said confidently, "That's your son, open the door!"


Without giving Xiao Junyan time to refuse, Mu Yue had already unscrewed and opened the door.

When Mu Haixuan saw the door opened, he happily walked in with the little bun, and saw Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue standing at the door, gave them an angry look, and then put the little bun on Xiao Junyan. In his arms.

Xiao Junyan held the little bun and looked at him holding a bag of red envelopes in his short arms.

Xiao Baozi grinned at Xiao Junyan and showed a bright smile, "Dad...Red envelope! Here you are!"

Xiao Junyan glanced at the red envelope in Little Bun's arms with disgust, and said coolly, "Not enough, so don't think about your mother holding you anymore!"

When the little bun heard Xiao Junyan's words, the smile on his face suddenly turned into aggrieved, his mouth squashed, and he was about to cry.

Xiao Junyan frowned slightly and threatened coldly, "Crying, your mother doesn't like you even more!"

The little bun could only hold his small mouth aggrieved, and the tears could not shed. Everyone was amazed.

"Mom..." The little bun handed all the red envelopes she got to Mu Yue aggrieved. His big lovely eyes were full of expectation, and he wanted to get a word of satisfaction from Mu Yue.

Mu Yue watched the little bun handing the red envelope to herself, smiled and touched his head, and said indulgingly, "The little bun is really good, he deserves to be his mother's precious son, the red envelope is much better, I will go now , Mom saves it for you, it will be yours from now on!"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, Xiao Baozi's small face suddenly showed a bright smile, nodded, and said politely, "Hmm! To mother!"

Mu Yu, who was standing at the door, watched Xiao Baozi's behavior, and just wanted to cover his face. They wrapped so many red envelopes, and they were all taken by Xiao Baozi, the little ancestor. What a thing!

Mu Yue smiled and touched Xiao Baozi's head, only to feel that her son was really proud of her, "Well, let's see grandpa and grandma get married first!"

"Yeah!" The little bun nodded his little head, and was very happy when he was praised by Mu Yue, and he couldn't come out in Xiao Junyan's arms.

Mu Yue turned around and looked at Mu Haixuan, who was standing at the end of the bed, facing the affectionate eyes of Nangong Yuehua and Nangong Yuehua on the bed.

Looking at the two people who were facing each other, Mu Yue's lips rose slightly, and she smiled secretly in her heart.

My parents finally had such a beautiful day, and her efforts were not in vain.

Everyone watched quietly, watching Mu Haixuan and Nangong Yuehua, it seemed that everyone's mood was very complicated and different.

However, in this room full of warmth, a soft voice came, "Grandpa, want a red envelope! Grandma! Want a lot of red envelopes!"

This immature and soft childlike voice was introduced to Mu Haixuan and Nangong Yuehua, bringing their thoughts back to their memories.


Thanks Katze and Xia for the reward! muah!

These few days as a guest, I’m busy with codewords, trying to keep up to date.

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