Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4108: Back to the capital 1

In the capital of the secular world, the Mu family and the Xiao family all received news that Mu Yue was coming back.

"Xiao Yue'er is coming back tomorrow!" Mr. Mu said with a bright smile on his face, "Has the room been cleaned?"

The third aunt smiled and nodded, and said, "It was cleaned yesterday. Taking advantage of the good weather, all the quilts have been exposed!"

"Good, good!" Old man Mu nodded, rubbing his hands, "Little baby is coming back, old man I feel that it has been several years!"

Mu Haiye smiled and asked Father Mu, "Ha ha ha, Dad, do you want Xiao Yueer or Xiao Baozi!"

"Of course I want both!" Elder Mu glared at Mu Haiye and said naturally.

Mu Yue and the others had been away for more than two months, and his old man wanted to kill them.

Especially Xiao Baozi, I don't know how old he is now, will he be called too grandpa.

Elder Mu said to the daughters-in-law again, "By the way, tomorrow morning you remember to buy more vegetables!"

"Dad, don't worry, we have already discussed it, and we will definitely prepare well!" The aunt said with a smile, Elder Mu.

"Yeah!" Elder Mu nodded, "Tomorrow Xiao Lao will also come, don't lose the face of our Xiao family!"

Several daughters-in-law smiled helplessly, "Yes, Dad, we will definitely not let you down!"

This Mu Yue had been out for more than two months, but the old man had been thinking about them for more than two months, and he was talking about them every day, asking when he would come back.

Since knowing the time to come back, Mr. Mu just wanted to make them prepare well.

They were already ready, and Mu Yue and the others would return tomorrow, and Mr. Mu was talking again.

In the Xiao family, it was the same anger.

"The cousin finally came!" Du Xueqin patted her hands excitedly, and said expectantly, "My little nephew is finally back, I don't know if Xiao Baozi remembers me!"

Thinking of Xiao Baozi's soft and cute appearance before she left, she just couldn't help but want to hug.

"I definitely can't remember, children are the most forgetful!" Tang Yalan said with a smile and shook her head.

Xiao Fengyi said confidently, "It's okay, anyway, there will be more time in the future. We can communicate with Xiao Baozi more, and he will remember us!"

"Yeah!" Du Xueqin nodded, "Little Bun will definitely remember us again!"

"You guys!" Seeing Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin's expectation of Xiao Baozi, the old man Xiao shook his head helplessly.

However, Mr. Xiao is also very much looking forward to seeing his obedient great-great-grandson.

Xiao Fengyi smiled and said to Grandpa Xiao, "Grandpa, don't say you don't expect to see Xiao Baozi!"

"Yes! Grandpa!" Du Xueqin nodded, nodded in agreement, and said, "Otherwise, you won't let us prepare things for the little buns!"

Elder Xiao blushed when the two juniors said, and gave them an angry look.

Tang Yalan also said with a smile, "I heard that Mu Haixuan also returned with his younger siblings. I really didn't expect that the younger siblings are still alive!"

"Yeah! They can be regarded as keeping the clouds open and seeing the moon bright!" Elder Xiao also nodded. He still knows the things of the year very well.

Tang Yalan also nodded and said with a smile, "This is also a good thing!"

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