Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4109: Back to the capital 2

At the military airport in the capital, a plane slowly landed.

The people standing at the entrance of the airport saw the plane in the sky with excitement on their faces.

"I'm back, I'm back!"

"Finally came back!"

"My little Yue and baby are coming back!"

These people are naturally the Mu family and Xiao family members who received the news of Mu Yue and their return.

Headed by Mr. Mu and Mr. Xiao, both of them had bright smiles on their old faces.

The plane was quite stable, and the two old men could not wait to take a step forward and walked towards the plane.

"Dad, Father Xiao, slow down!"

The people in the Mu family and the Xiao family were all worried and anxiously calling the elderly Xiao and the elderly who were walking in the forefront.

Mu Haiwei and Mu Haixu assisted Mr. Xiao and Mr. Mu respectively.

The winter in the capital is very cold, and the snow on the airport is thickly piled up. The roads of this airport are all shoveled out by the soldiers in the morning.

Among these people, only these two soldiers have the most stable footsteps, and only when they help Elder Xiao and Elder Mu are not easy to wrestle.

The door of the plane opened slowly. The people who got off the plane first were Mu Yu and others, then the people from the ancient martial world, and finally Mu Haixuan and Mu Yue.

"It can be regarded as coming back!" Seeing Mu Yue and the others come down, the old man Mu suddenly showed a bright smile on his face and exclaimed with joy.

When Mu Yue saw that both Elder Mu and Elder Xiao were coming, a look of astonishment flashed across her face. She didn't expect that both old men would come.

"Grandpa, why are you all here!" Mu Yue walked forward with a smile, going to help the two elders.

It's just that the two elders Xiao and Mu both ignored Mu Yue, brushed past her, and walked in front of Xiao Junyan.

"Little bun, grandpa wants you to death!"

"Little baby, grandpa wants you to death!"

The two old men rushed to talk to the little bun almost in unison.

Mu Yue stood where she was, only to feel that three crows croaked over her head.

The people who followed the old man Xiao and the old man, saw the actions of the two old men, they were a little bit dumbfounded, and looked at the neglected Mu Yue sympathetically.

Mu Yue was so depressed that she couldn't laugh or cry, turned around and saw that the two old men were caring about the little buns, and she could only shook her head helplessly.

"Xiao Yueer, welcome back!" The two elders didn't care, but others were concerned. Several aunts came over and said with a smile.

Mu Yue nodded and shouted with a smile, "Auntie Elder, Auntie Second, Auntie Third, Auntie Fourth, how are you, I miss you!"

"It's fine when you come back!" The aunt gently touched Mu Yue's head and said softly.

Mu Yue smiled slightly, only to feel the warmth flowing through her heart slowly.

"Sister, you can be regarded as coming back, and my grandfather will call my ears out of my ears!" Mu Ziheng emerged from behind the fourth aunt and said to Mu Yue with a smile.

Mu Yue listened, curled his lips, turned to look at the two old men holding the little buns, and said, "They are not talking about me, but talking about the little buns!"

For these old men, they all love the youngest. Xiao Baozi is now the fourth generation, and the only fourth generation is naturally favored.

"Hey, yeah!" Mu Ziheng also laughed, and said jokingly, "I have forgotten you sister!"

Mu Yue gave Mu Ziheng angrily, was this deliberately revealing her scar?

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