Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4115: Nangong Yuehua returns to Mu's house 1

Mu Haixuan asked Mu Haihua and the others curiously, "Big Brother, Second Brother, Fourth Brother, why are you all here?"

"It's not that you are back, the old man asked us to come back, and we also want to see the little bun, so here comes!" Mu Haiwei said with a smile.

Mu Haihua rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not for you, I'm here for Xiao Yue and Xiao Baozi, so don't be affectionate!"

"I'm for the little bun!" Mu Haixu also directly said his reason, and poured a basin of cold water.

When Mu Haixuan heard the words of his three older brothers, he only felt that his heart was really refreshing, and said in a somewhat depressed tone, "You can't even lie to me?"

"We are not going to lie!" Mu Haiwei righteously said, "Soldiers can't lie, so we are telling the truth. Anyway, we are not here to see you, even if we have to see younger brothers and sisters, we are not here your!"

Mu Haihua also smiled and patted Mu Haixuan on the shoulder, and said, "Hehe, you should get used to it soon!"

Mu Haixuan snorted coldly, rolled his eyes at Mu Haihua, "I think you came mainly for Xiao Yueer, go help you!"

The exposed Mu Haihua didn't have any guilty conscience on his face, and said naturally, "This is a well-known thing, let alone you don't know what's going on outside!"

Now everyone has been looking for Mu Yue, especially those foreign figures who have a good head and face, one by one, want to find Mu Yue so that she can treat them or their family members.

However, Mu Haixuan snorted with a smug look, glanced at his four brothers braggingly, and said, "That's my daughter, not yours!"

When the four of Mu Haiwei heard Mu Haixuan's words, their eyes suddenly became very unkind. In this tone, how did they feel that this guy was particularly awkward?

"Very good, you wait!" Mu Haihua said to Mu Haixuan with a calculating light in his eyes.

Mu Haiwei patted Mu Haixuan on the shoulder, "Fifth brother, you will attract hatred like this!"

"Fifth brother, you are fine, fine!" Mu Haiye patted Mu Haixuan on the shoulder without a smile.

Mu Haixuan faced the dissatisfied "hatred" eyes of Mu Haiwei's fourth brother, and the muscles in the corners of his eyes trembled. How did he feel that he had an ominous premonition?

"It's almost time, let's go home first, and we can chat easily when we get back home!" Mu Haihua walked up to everyone and said suggestively.

"Yeah, Dad, let's go back first!" Mu Haiwei also walked up to Old Man Mu and said with concern.

"Yeah!" Elder Mu and Elder Xiao also nodded, "Go back first!"

"Come on, little bun, let's put on clothes first, we don't need to wear so many clothes when we get home!"

The two old men hurriedly dressed the little bun first, so as not to be too cold outside, and it was so cold that their obedient little bun.

Mu Haixu walked to his wife's side and said, "My wife, you will be with your younger siblings when you go back. I think you have a lot to say between your wives and wives!"

"Huh? Huh!" The fourth aunt was puzzled when she heard Mu Haixu's words, but she still nodded.

Mu Haiwei also said to his wife, "You will take care of your younger siblings. You women have a lot of topics!"

"Okay!" The aunt did not ask much, but also nodded.

Mu Haixuan watched several sister-in-laws turn his wife away, turned his head and glanced at his brothers, and instantly understood that they were taking revenge!

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