Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4116: Nangong Yuehua returns to Mu's house 2

When Mu Yue and others returned to Mu's house, Nangong Yuehua's eyes were red again.

"Brother sister, you are home, and this will be your home in the future!" The aunt smiled and patted Nangong Yuehua's hand, and said softly.

Nangong Yuehua nodded, "Hmm!"

For more than 20 years, it has not been the house where the Mu family lived, but it also made Nangong Yuehua very happy and excited.

Mu Yue smiled and said to Nangong Yuehua, "Mom, you can live here in the future, or you can live there. Jun Yan and I's house is also in this community! It's not two minutes after walking!"

Nangong Yuehua nodded, smiled and wiped her tears, "Okay! You can live anywhere!"

"Sister, sit down first, let's cook lunch!" The second aunt smiled and walked out with tea, and said to Nangong Yuehua and the others.

Nangong Yuehua said quickly, "I'll help too!"

"Today you are a guest, and you will be the host in the future. So, let's take a rest today, and everyone has a lot to say to you!" Aunt San said with a smile.

Aunt Four also smiled, put the teacup on the coffee table, and said, "Yes! Brother and sister, sit down first!"

"Yes, sister Yuehua, we haven't seen each other for more than 20 years, let's talk!" Tang Yalan smiled and said while pulling Nangong Yuehua.

Nangong Yuehua glanced at several sister-in-laws and nodded, "Okay!"

"Haha, sister Yuehua, have you been living in the secular world this time when you came back?" Tang Yalan asked Nangong Yuehua caringly.

Nangong Yuehua nodded and said with a smile, "Well, I have always been in the secular world, and I have lived with Haixuan and my children!"

"Then the best!" Tang Yalan nodded and said with a smile, "I will have a companion to talk in the future, and in the future, let's move around more!"

Nangong Yuehua agreed and said, "Okay! I don't know a few people in the secular world! Moreover, Sister Lan and I will be in-laws in the future, so we will have to move around!"

He didn't live in the secular world, so Nangong Yuehua really had few close friends and good sisters.

Tang Yalan also smiled and shook hands with Nangong Yuehua, "Hahaha, let's help Yue'er and them bring the children together in the future!"

Nangong Yuehua nodded in agreement and glanced at the excited little bun.

The little bun who came home and took off his clothes was directly like a wild horse without the rein.

The clothes on the little bun's body were no longer bound, and excitedly twisted his small body directly in the arms of Old Man Mu.

"Little bun, don't mess around!" Mr. Mu softly persuaded the little bun for fear that he would fall into the little bun.

But how could the little bun be willing to stay still, twisting his body, pointing his little finger at a pile of toys prepared for him, "I want it!"

Seeing the little bun's attention being attracted by the toy, Mr. Mu and Mr. Xiao suddenly laughed. This boy's eyes are quite sharp.

"Little devil head!" Elder Xiao nodded the little bun's nose, and said dozingly.

Mr. Mu carried the little bun onto the plush carpet and let the little bun play by himself.

When the little bun saw so many toys, there were bright smiles on his little face, and his whole body was about to jump into the toys.

Father Mu and Father Xiao are also rare to play with the little buns in the toy pile, and there are three young ones, Du Xueqin, Xiao Fengyi, and Mu Ziheng, who are also playing with them.


Thank you ぃ方方づ for your reward, yamada, refill! I will work hard! Write a perfect ending, without sloppy ending

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