Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4130: Go to Chinese Medicine Hospital 3

Even if Yan Ming didn't say anything, Mu Yue knew his purpose, and said with a smile, "I'm just going to see the patient again today. If Dean Yan is busy, I don't need to use it!"

"It's okay!" Yan Ming waved his hand and said.

Mu Yue said with concern, "Dean Yan, I am also a little busy today, I will review the patient first! You are busy with you first!"

She doesn't have time to accompany these people and nagging here. After she finishes all this, she still has to go back to accompany the little bun. I wonder if the little bun will be noisy!

"Um, good!" Dean Yan listened, slightly embarrassed, but nodded, "Doctor Namu, you are busy, if you have any needs, you can just tell me!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue nodded gently, and asked Qiu Lianghui to take him to the ward.

Qiu Lianghui didn't talk much with Dean Yan, so he took Mu Yue to Christopher Hampton's ward first.

Mu Yue entered Christopher Hampton's room and saw him, "Christopher, hello, long time no see!"

Christopher Hampton saw Mu Yue really appear in front of him, with a bright smile on his face, he got up from the sofa excitedly, opened his arms, "Oh, my god, my goddess, Dr. Mu, you Finally home!"

Listening to Christopher Hampton's exaggerated words, Mu Yue smiled helplessly, and still came to him for a Western hug, "Mr. Christopher, hello!"

"I'm fine! Even though you left, I still drink according to your prescription. Now my body is getting better and better!" Christopher Hampton said to Mu Yue happily.

Mu Yue smiled slightly and said, "Really? That's good news. Let me show you your body!"

"Okay!" Christopher Hampton nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, come and show me how is my body recovered!"

Although the western doctor had checked him, he also saw those physical examination reports, indicating that his health was getting better and better, but now that Mu Yue was in front of him, he was even more convinced that she should come and check his body.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and took out the pulse pillow from the consultation box for Christopher Hampton's pulse.

Christopher Hampton looked directly at Mu Yue, waiting for the result of her examination.

Three minutes later, Mu Yue nodded lightly, put her hand away, and said with a smile, "Well, Mr. Christopher, your cancer cells will disappear completely after taking three more patches!"

Hearing Mu Yue's answer, Christopher Hampton suddenly showed a happy smile on his face, "Really? That's great! Hahaha..."

Those Western medical experts also said that his cancer cells would have disappeared completely by the end of the year. He had some doubts about what they said, but now Mu Yue said that he believed it very much.

After all, he was cured by Mu Yue after all, but the western doctors did not cure him. How could he believe their words?

While listening, Qiu Lianghui heard the news that Mu Yue said, his face also showed joy, and my hands became fists.

He is also very happy about Mu Yue's news, which means that the work he has done can proceed smoothly, and the credit is indispensable to him.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and exhorted, "This is naturally true. After the medication is over, Christopher will still have to recuperate for a while, or follow the plan I made for you!"

"Well, I will!" Christopher Hampton said of course.

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