Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4131: Chinese medicine hospital follow-up 1

Christopher Hampton grabbed Mu Yue's hand in gratitude and said excitedly, "Doctor Mu, you are my goddess and you are my angel. Thank you so much. If there is no you, I will go to God. !"

Mu Yue said with a smile, "I am a doctor, treating patients, this is what I should do!"

"No, no, no, even a doctor may not be able to cure my disease. If I had known that your medical skills were so superb, I should have called you in the first place, otherwise, I would not suffer so much!" Christopher · Hampton shook his head straight and said to Mu Yue excitedly.

Now seeing that his illness is cured, Christopher Hampton only regrets why he didn’t find Mu Yue first. In this way, he would not suffer so much, and perhaps he would not encounter Mu Yue’s pregnancy. Time, the illness has already been cured.

Mu Yue smiled slightly and said, "Haha, thank you Mr. Christopher for your compliment!"

"Haha, Dr. Mu, you have cured my disease, and you will be my benefactor from now on!" Christopher Hampton said solemnly, "If you have anything in the future, you can just tell me, as long as Christopher can do it. If I arrive, I will definitely help you, and I hope my company can cooperate with you more!"

Mu Yue smiled and said to Christopher Hampton, "Hehe, cooperation is necessary. I will arrange it when the sky comes down from me!"

Christopher Hampton said before that she cooperated with her. Only the film and television series have already cooperated first. For other cooperations, Mu Yue needs to look at the cooperation plan of the two parties before making a decision. Only when she signs it will it be considered true. Cooperation.

"Okay!" Christopher Hampton knew that Mu Yue was very busy, so he asked, "Then can I go back for Christmas?"

For people abroad, Christmas is their New Year, so he wants to go home for the New Year.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and said, "Your body has recovered, so naturally you can go back. You can come back whenever you want. Of course, you must take good care of yourself after you go back!"

Christopher Hampton nodded repeatedly and rubbed his hands. "It must be!"

"Well, Mr. Christopher, I have to go back to other patients, so I will leave first!" Mu Yue got up and said to Christopher.

Christopher stood up and said, "Okay, Dr. Mu, you are busy, I'll see you off!"

Mu Yue waved his hand, and Qiu Lianghui went to follow up with other patients.

Arriving in Angelo Harman’s ward, Angelo Harman and his husband Ada Cecil are also there.

Seeing Mu Yue's arrival, the husband and wife showed joyful smiles on their faces.

"Doctor Mu, you are here! Yesterday I received the news that you came back, and we can go for a follow-up visit today. We are all very happy!" Ada Cecil said to Mu Yue in a Chinese language that is not fluent.

Mu Yue smiled and said to Ada Cecil, “I’m not here, so I can’t check your body, but since I’m here, I’m responsible for my patients. I was busy yesterday, so I didn’t come. I took the time to come here today. I'll see you again!"

Angelo Harman gratefully said to Mu Yue, "If there were no Doctor Mu, I guess it would have turned into loess by now!"

Mu Yue said with a smile, "I am a doctor, this is what I should do!"

Put the Mai pillow on the table, and said to Angelo Harman, "Mrs. Angelo, let me check it for you!"

"Okay!" Angelo asked Mu Yue to take her pulse to check her condition, while Ada Cecil looked at Mu Yue expectantly from the side.

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