Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4156: Mother to Group Building 2

Mu Yue was busy with the company's affairs almost all day. He was in meetings from morning to night, listening to them report the company's situation.

Near four o'clock, Tang Yalan brought Nangong Yuehua to Longteng Group with her little bun.

Nangong Yuehua didn't even know Mu Yue's Longteng Group, and she had never seen it before, so she naturally had to come and take a look.

Xiao Baozi had long wanted to come and pick Mu Yue home, but they persuaded Xiao Baozi for a long time before letting him wait until after three o'clock before leaving the house.

Tang Yalan smiled and said to Nangong Yuehua, "Sister Yuehua, this is Yue'er's Longteng Group, and this is the Longteng Building under its control. Now the entire office building belongs to Longteng Group!"

Nangong Yuehua stood on the square outside with a look of surprise on her face.

She didn't expect that her daughter had built such an office building. In this building, all of them belonged to the Longteng Group.

"So high? So many belong to the Longteng Group?" Nangong Yuehua asked Tang Yalan in surprise, still a little unbelievable in her tone, unwilling to believe it was true.

Tang Yalan smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes, of course it is true. This is all of Longteng Group. There used to be some floors that were vacant. Now, there should be people on almost every floor, all of them are Longteng Group. The company's!"

Nangong Yuehua took a breath. She never knew that her daughter was so amazing.

"Hehehe, let's go!" Tang Yalan smiled and said to Nangong Yuehua.

Nangong Yuehua nodded, and entered the lobby of Longteng Group together with her little bun.

Looking at the magnificent hall, Nangong Yuehua was shocked.

The front desk clerk politely asked Tang Yalan and the others, "Hello!"

Tang Yalan asked concerned, "I am Mu Yue's mother-in-law, this is Mu Yue's mother and son!"

The front desk clerk heard Tang Yalan’s introduction with a look of surprise on his face. Seeing that Nangong Yuehua and Mu Yue had similar faces, he quickly and respectfully said, “Mrs. Xiao, Mrs. Mu, please wait a moment, I Notify Mu Dong immediately!"

Tang Yalan waved her hand and said, "No, you can tell us where it is. Let's go up by ourselves and don't disturb her!"

"This... okay!" The front desk clerk listened and nodded, "I'll take you up!"

"Okay!" Tang Yalan nodded, then turned to Nangong Yuehua and said, "Let's go!"

Nangong Yuehua exclaimed and said distressedly, "Unexpectedly, Yue'er's company is so big, alas! It must have spent a lot of effort and suffered a lot!"

"Yes, but all this is over!" Tang Yalan nodded with a smile, comforting Nangong Yuehua.

She knew that Nangong Yuehua was guilty of not being able to be with Mu Yue for so many years, and that she had suffered for many years.

"Yeah!" Nangong Yuehua nodded and untied the scarf on the little bun in her arms.

The little bun didn't want to wear it before he came out, but if he threatened him not to wear it, he would not pick up his mother, he could only wear it obediently.

Now that you have entered the building, you can naturally unlock it.

The little bun was liberated, and he turned his little head excitedly, blinking a pair of lovely big eyes and looked around.

"Mom!" Little Bun didn't see her mother, but looked at Nangong Yuehua.

Nangong Yuehua smiled and touched Xiao Baozi's head, and said, "Little Baozi, let's not hurry, let's go to your mother's office now!"


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