Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4157: Mother to Group Building 3

The front desk clerk took Nangong Yuehua and the others to the top floor.

When he walked out of the lobby, someone was already waiting there. Although Tang Yalan said that he didn't need to report, he still reported it to the staff on the top floor.

Several Ling Hong and others who had finished the meeting were discussing other things. When they heard that the little bun was coming, they all ran to the top of the stairs in excitement.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Nangong Yuehua and Tang Yalan were seen walking out of the elevator under the leadership of the front desk attendant.

"Oh, little bun!"

"Look like the boss!"

"Compared with the last time I came here, it's a lot bigger and even cuter!"

Ling Hong and the others were all attracted by the little bun in Nangong Yuehua's arms.

Little bun saw everyone looking at him almost with hungry wolf eyes, and a little frightened he dived into Nangong Yuehua's arms.

"Um, I'm shy!" Everyone was taken aback when they saw the appearance of the little bun, and then laughed.

Ouyang promised that they also saw Tang Yalan and greeted them, "Mrs. Xiao, Madam Mu, you are here, Mu Dong is still in a meeting!"

They all know that Mu Yue brought her mother Nangong Yuehua back this time.

When I saw the similar appearances of Nangong Yuehua and Mu Yue, I was secretly amazed in my heart. Sure enough, if there is a mother, there must be a daughter. Both are very beautiful!

"Meeting! It's okay!" Tang Yalan said with a smile when seeing Mu Yue's subordinates, "Little buns are a little confessed!"

Nangong Yuehua smiled and looked at the group of young people in front of her. They were all under his daughter!

An Qing smiled and said to Nangong Yuehua, "Sister-in-law, hello, my name is An Qing, Chu Zhiming's wife, I don't know if Yueer told you about me!"

When Nangong Yuehua heard An Qing's introduction, she immediately thought of Chu Zhiming. She knew very well that her daughter was able to live by him.

And she also heard Mu Haixuan talk about Chu Zhiming, of course, she also said that his current wife An Qing is Mu Yue's subordinate.

"You are An Qing, I heard Yue'er talk about it!" Nangong Yuehua saw An Qing and said to her gratefully, "Thanks to Chu Zhiming, I must be free. Thank you personally!"

"It should be!" An Qing said to Nangong Yuehua with a smile, "Sister-in-law, you are very tired holding the little bun, let me hold it!"

Nangong Yuehua did not refuse, and smiled and gave the little bun to An Qing. Of course it was not that she was tired, but she was also regarded as the little bun's grandmother.

"Little bun, this is also grandma!" Nangong Yuehua introduced to the little bun with a smile.

Little Baozi blinked and looked at An Qing with big cute eyes, and called her milkily, "Grandma!"

"Oh, little bun, you are so good!" An Qing suddenly felt soft when hearing the little bun calling herself.

The little bun suddenly chuckled a crisp laugh. When everyone saw the appearance of the little bun, they couldn't help but want to hug him. It was so cute.

"Mom!" The little bun let An Qing hug him, turned his head and looked at the strangers around him, screaming, "I want my mother..."

"Little bun, your mother is in a meeting!" Bai Xiche said to the little bun with a smile.

The little bun suddenly pursed his little mouth, with an aggrieved look on his little face, and his voice was a little dull, as if it was a sign of crying, "Mom!"

Seeing this posture, Qiu Moge hurriedly comforted the little bun, "Little bun, wait, uncle, will you call your mother right away?"


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