Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4249: I won't take this business 2

The banquet venue of the medicinal restaurant was full of excitement, but Josephus, who was driven out by the medicinal restaurant's security and Ruth Hogben's bodyguard, had an extremely gloomy face, and the anger in his heart was even more violent.

He didn't expect that he didn't see Mu Yue again today, and he was kicked out directly, still in front of so many people.

Yes, although the people in the hall did not see it, he felt that he was kicked out in front of a group of people, and the person watching his play was the Chinese national who he looked down on the most, and he was also kicked out by the gate. Out.

The subordinates who had been following Josephus all the time looked at each other and did not speak. They were not fools. They knew that their boss was very angry now. If they did, Chiyu would probably be harmed.

Joseph got into the back seat of the car with a gloomy and terrible expression. The driver quickly got into the driver's seat, turned his head and asked Joseph hesitantly, "Boss, where are you going now?"

Said that he really didn't want to ask Joseph, for fear of being scolded by him.

Sure enough, when Joseph heard the driver's words, he immediately sent the anger he had just received to the driver, "Idiot, don't you know where to go?"

The driver's heart is very wronged and dissatisfied, you are angry, it's my shit!

However, even though he was very dissatisfied, he did not dare to say it. He could only shut his mouth, silently start the car, and drove Joseph back to the hotel. Anyway, Joseph settled down in China. To the ground.

Who makes Joseph his boss and can pay him? Can only be angry silently! Moreover, Gao Hu still doesn't know where to go, and there is no information to this day.

It's just that the driver secretly thought, should he change his job?

After all, it has always been ashamed to look for Mu Yue according to Joseph's situation now, and today is not even seen Mu Yue's face, and the company is so endangered, it is estimated that it will not work.

Joseph was sitting in the back seat of the car with a cold light in his eyes, and he muttered softly in his mouth, "Damn Mu Yue, **** bitch, dare not give me any face. Let me lose such a big face, I will definitely not let you go. Today is your last chance! But if you don't cherish it, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Thinking of what Mu Yue had done to her from beginning to end, Josephs felt extremely resentful and dissatisfied.

Josephus secretly figured out how to avenge him. He took out his cell phone from his pocket and searched for the number, which one to look for.

Come to your own room in the hotel, let everyone go out, don't disturb him.

Joseph stood in front of the French window and got on the phone, "Hey, this is Joseph Davis! I want you to arrest someone!"

There was a low, hoarse voice on the other side of the phone, "Who?"

"Mu Yue, chairman of the China Dragon Group!" Josephus said Mu Yue's identity, and his eyes were chilly, and even more gritted his teeth.

The person on the other side heard Mu Yue's identity, was silent for a moment, and said, "How much is it?"

"Ten million dollars!" Joseph said without thinking.

Although his company's situation is in crisis, he can still make 10 million U.S. dollars. As long as he gets Mu Yue's medicines, first comes with a wave of advertisements, and then collects some deposits, his company's crisis will be resolved immediately.

However, Joseph thought well, but the person on the other side of the phone refused and said, "I won't take this business!"

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