Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4250: I won't take this business 3

When Joseph heard that the person on the other side rejected him, his face suddenly appeared shocked, but there was even more anger, "What? Rejection? Why?"

"Don't think I don't know what status Mu Yue of China Dragon Group has in the world, she is not an ordinary person, ten million is not enough!" The other party said coldly.

Hearing the explanation from the other side, Josephs understood and said, "Then how much do you want?"

The other party chuckled, and said relaxedly, "One hundred million dollars!"

"One hundred million dollars? Why don't you grab it?" Joseph screamed in madness when he heard the words.

He didn't expect that the other party would ask for so much of 100 million US dollars?

Not to mention that when his company had financial problems now, even before, he didn't have so much money, let alone spend so much money for him to catch Mu Yue.

The other party sneered and said mockingly, "One hundred million dollars is already very cheap! She is worth more than you! And, don't you know that she is a master with good skills? And her identity, she is also around Protect it with the bodyguard, it's not easy to catch ten million. If you kill it directly, maybe you can negotiate the price again!"

Now, Mu Yue's identity is known no matter which world he is.

Many of these killers are going to kill some people with status and status. Naturally, they know them very well.

Especially in the recent period, almost all the wealthy people have gone to China, with the goal of finding Mu Yue to treat themselves.

If you let them know that they hurt Mu Yue, do they still want to hang out on this earth?

Moreover, according to the information he knew, Mu Yue was still a highly skilled person, not much worse than him, so he would never risk doing such a mindless thing.

This is also the information he learned from the outside world. He doesn’t know Mu Yue’s true strength. If he knows Mu Yue’s true strength, it is estimated that he would not even say 100 million US dollars. He directly scared him when he heard Joseph say Mu Yue’s name. You have to hang up the phone.

And what he said about 100 million U.S. dollars was actually just joking about Joseph, knowing the situation of his company, he couldn't get so much money.

Josephs squinted his eyes, listening to the other party's words, only felt that his chest was blocked with a single breath, and he was gasping for breath.

"One hundred million dollars is impossible! Twenty million, up to 20 million!" Joseph gritted his teeth and said angrily.

He didn't have much time, and he had to get someone to grab Mu Yue and get the formula from her in order to get the company out of the crisis.

Therefore, after returning, Joseph directly called and wanted the other party to arrest Mu Yue.

"Then let's forget about our cooperation. I also know that you can't get the money. You should go find some mercenaries for your money. Maybe they are willing to accept your order!" The other party said directly and simply. Then he hung up the phone even more simply, without giving Joseph any more room for transfer.

Joseph heard the busy tone of "beep beep" coming from the phone, and he was a little dazed.

He didn't expect that the other party would have rejected his condition so quickly.

After recovering, Joseph looked at the phone and slammed the phone to the ground, and he was smashed to pieces in an instant.

Joseph still seemed to be very uncomfortable. He stepped on his cell phone fiercely, and continued to curse, "Damn, you all deserve to die, damn! Damn, you all damn!"

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