Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4271: Josephus knew he was tricked 2

Mu Yue looked at Joseph coldly and asked mercilessly, "So you said, why should I be merciful to your subordinates? Why can't I do this?"

Joseph's anger gradually diminished, but still suppressed his anger, and said, "But, we are going to cooperate with you now! Given you such good benefits, are you still not satisfied?"

Mu Yue listened and looked at Joseph sarcastically, "Cooperate? If you couldn't research my ointment, would you cooperate?"

Being questioned by Mu Yue, Josephus shut up and had nothing to say. After all, this is a fact.

Mu Yue sneered again, and said disdainfully, "Five-to-five? Do you take yourself too much? Don’t you know, after I treated Christopher Hampton, he gave me the medical treatment. Is it a fee?"

When Joseph heard the words, he was speechless again.

He naturally heard about this, but he felt that he didn't ask Mu Yue for it, so he didn't need to make such a concession before giving the condition of 50-50.

"So, do you think that patients like Christopher Hampton, after they are treated by me for their terminal illness, if I ask them to cooperate, they will give me a 50-50 split?" Mu Yue looked at Joseph mockingly. Si, asked.

With the case of Christopher Hampton in front, Josephus could no longer use the businessman's profit-seeking reason to fight back against Mu Yue.

"Furthermore, I have not planned to sell my medicines abroad in recent years. If I want to buy medicines, you can come to China!" Mu Yue said confidently.

She also wants foreigners to look forward to their Huaxia Country and come to Huaxia Country for shopping for these things.

"You..." Joseph heard the words, staring at a proud face, gritted his teeth, "Are you sure you don't cooperate with me!"

Damn, this **** didn't cooperate with him!

"Even if you kneel down to beg me, I won't!" Mu Yue's mouth curled up and said coldly.

Joseph was so angry that he gritted his teeth and yelled at Mu Yue, "Mu Yue, Huaxia Dog, you will regret it!"

Mu Yue squinted his eyes and looked at Joseph coldly, "Believe it or not, I can make your company go bankrupt with just one sentence?"

As a military family, both husband and father are soldiers, how can these foreigners call it that way!

Joseph screamed, "Impossible!"

"Haha, don't you believe it?" Mu Yue looked at Joseph mockingly, "As long as I say something in the ears of those patients who have not yet been treated, since you foreigners look down on the Chinese, then I am a Chinese. I'm treating you! You said, after they know the cause, will they bother you?"

When Joseph heard Mu Yue's words, he only felt a chill rushing from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. He only felt that the world in front of him was dark, and his eyes stared at Mu Yue fiercely.

Mu Yue saw Joseph's face pale and ashen, she couldn't help laughing, turning around and leaving a word, "Hua Xia Country, Hua Xia people, you are not a foreign dog who can insult at will. , You will pay a painful price for everything you do and say!"

It wasn't until the car that Mu Yue was sitting in disappeared in front of him that Josephs felt his body's strength was hollowed out, and he sat on the ground with despair and hatred in his eyes.

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