Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4272: Josephus knew he was tricked 3

Mu Yue left leisurely, but Josephus stayed in place for a long time.

Until the elevator door opened again, someone came out of the elevator and was shocked to see Joseph falling on the ground, and screamed and hurried away.

Josephus was also awakened by the scream, recovered, and slowly stood up from the ground.

"Mu Yue, little bitch! This is what you forced me! Don't blame me!" Josephs' eyes flashed with a cold light, and he was determined to give up everything.

Since Mu Yue was unwilling to cooperate well, she could only let the mercenaries come over, arrest her, and then do her so fiercely to avenge the humiliation he suffered today.

At this time, Mu Yue didn't know that there was a plot of Josephus against her.

However, even if she knew it, Mu Yue wouldn't take it to heart, and she wouldn't look at her cultivation base. Would she be afraid of this?

Unless it is an atomic bomb, no one can get on her.

Today, the little bun was at Mu's house, and Mu Yue didn't have to go to Xiao's house to pick him up, but went straight back to Mu's house.

When he got home, Xiao Baozi ran to the door chokedly to greet her and change her slippers.

Mu Yue took his well-behaved and caring son into his arms, and kissed him fiercely on the cheek, "He is so good, awesome! Mom is proud of you!"

The little bun was kissed by Mu Yue and was praised again. The smile on her little face was big, her short arms hugged Mu Yue's neck, and she giggled, "Love Mom!"

"Tsk!" Elder Mu looked at him, couldn't help but stunned, and said jokingly, "I really don't know who this kid looks like! How come you can **** up so much!"

Mu Yue smiled and sat on the sofa, let the little bun sit on her lap, and said, "Well, it's definitely not like me, like his father!"

When Xiao Baozi heard that he was like a father, he said that he didn't want to admit it, and pouted his little mouth, "Not like a bad father, like a mother!"

"Puff, hahaha..." Father Mu listened, and couldn't help but snorted directly.

This is also why Xiao Baozi doesn't know if what they just said is good or bad.

The little bun that has always adhered to Mu Yue naturally adhered to Mu Yue and said that she was like her.

Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded when she heard it, and squeezed Xiao Qiong's nose in Xiao Baozi angrily, "Little devil head, where am I so good at flattering! Obviously like your father!"

The little bun bulged his mouth, looked at Mu Yue aggrievedly, and still looked at Mu Yue firmly, "Like a mother!"

Mu Yue suddenly felt ashamed, and nodded a little bun's nose, and said, "A bad temper is like a father, and a good temper is like a mother!"

The little bun tilted his little head, and then said solemnly, "The baby is good! So I look like a mother!"

"Puff!" The old man Mu and Mu Yue couldn't help laughing when they heard this. This stinky boy is really narcissistic!

The old man Mu pointed his finger at the little bun, and the smile on his face couldn't come down. "This boy, this mouth will definitely be good in the future! It will lie to girls!"

"Hehe, I think so too! I have to watch it carefully in the future, lest she lie to girls!" Mu Yue nodded in agreement and said.

The little bun kissed Mu Yue's cheek, and said gruffly, "The baby doesn't lie to her mother!"

"Puff!" Mu Yue laughed again, and kissed the little bun fiercely, "Well, the little bun is the best behaved, she deserves to be mother's baby!"

Little Bun chuckled happily, rubbing his head against Mu Yue's neck.


Thanks Katze for the tip

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