Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4304: My good misunderstanding 1

In the morning, Mu Yue was sleeping, and couldn't get up anyway, and she was very soft.

Xiao Junyan brought the breakfast to Mu Yue. She didn't even eat a bite and wanted to sleep. Who made a guy so crazy last night, she wanted to sleep.

Reluctantly, I had to wait for lunch to send her lunch.

The little bun knew that his mother was sleeping, so he obediently played with his toys downstairs, while playing with his grandpa and the coming old man Xiao.

"Come on, have some lunch, you haven't eaten breakfast yet!" Xiao Junyan helped Mu Yue up and let her lean on the cushion.

Mu Yue felt sore all over, and gritted her teeth, "It hurts, **** it, you still make me feel better!"

Seeing Mu Yue's appearance, Xiao Junyan showed a proud smile on his face, "Then you dare not do this kind of thing again in the future?"

Mu Yue listened and saw Xiao Junyan's squinting threatening eyes, she shrank her neck, and shook her head quickly like a rattle, "No, no, never again!"

She regretted it too! This **** is too cruel.

Xiao Junyan snorted coldly, picked up the food, and said, "Let's eat something first, will your friend come later? Eat some to replenish your energy!"

Mu Yue gritted her teeth and glared at Xiao Junyan again. Now she didn't even have the strength to raise her hand, so she could only open her mouth and let Xiao Junyan feed herself.

"Good!" Xiao Junyan was very satisfied when he saw Mu Yue's well-behaved. It is probably the only way to become so well-behaved, right?

Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan aggrievedly, "You knew they were coming, but you did this on purpose!"

The corners of Xiao Junyan's lips rose, and he said in a natural tone, "This way, it's more like a severely injured patient!"

Mu Yue was so angry that the roots of his teeth were itchy, and staring at him fiercely, there was nothing to do with this bastard.

Xiao Junyan smiled softly and said, "Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, come, eat some!"

Mu Yue felt a bit. There were already a lot of people downstairs, and it was indeed Mu Zhitong and the others.

Mu Zhitong and the other women played with Little Bun for a while before going upstairs to see Mu Yue's.

When they came to Mu Yue's room and saw Xiao Junyan still sitting by the bed, feeding Mu Yue to eat, everyone immediately believed that Mu Yue was seriously injured.

"Mu Yue, how are you, are you okay?" Mu Zhitong and the others hurriedly came to Mu Yue's face and asked with concern.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded to them, and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, I'm all right now!"

Xiang Tianhe frowned, looking at Mu Yue's appearance, "Looking at your face is a little weak, are you really okay?"

Fortunately, Xiang Tianhe's medical skills can't tell from a person's face that Mu Yue was due to the weakness caused last night, and the visit was not fully practiced.

The muscles in the corners of Mu Yue's eyes twitched fiercely. Before everyone could see, he gave Xiao Junyan a fierce look, "It's okay, it's okay, my master has already shown it to me, let me rest for a few days. You can recover!"

Everyone heard that Dongfang Sheng had already treated Mu Yue, and if he had his master, they were relieved, "It's okay!"

"You are really not careful too!" An Ziyun glared at Mu Yue, and said concerned.

Mu Yue smiled and said, "I was careless this time, and I didn't expect such a thing to happen. I will be more careful in the future!"

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