Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4305: A good misunderstanding of a good friend 2

"Why did that Joseph want to arrest you?" Ouyang Mengxi asked Mu Yue with concern.

Mu Yue sighed helplessly, and told everyone about the ointment that Arvid Ford had used to treat his legs. The ointment was stolen, and a series of events that followed.

Su Yunxi heard this and suddenly cursed, "Damn, why these foreign dogs are so shameless, not only stealing your things, they can't research it, but they want to kidnap you, it's damned!"

"Yeah, absolutely can't spare him lightly!" Mu Zhitong also clenched his fist and said angrily.

Su Yunxi gritted her teeth and asked Mu Yue, "Where is that **** now, I'll take revenge for you!"

Mu Yue smiled slightly, comforting Su Yunxi, "He can't escape, he has already been arrested!"

She also knew that Joseph was trapped in the hotel and couldn't get out. It was no different from being caught.

"Fortunately for him!" Su Yunxi listened, snorted coldly, clenched his fist and said viciously, "If I were to catch him, I must beat his parents to not recognize him!"

"Xiao Junyan, your wife has become like this, how are you going to get revenge!" Mu Zhitong turned her head, staring at Xiao Junyan, and questioned.

Xiao Junyan glanced at the nosy Mu Zhitong and said, "You don't need to know!"

When Mu Zhitong heard this, she immediately raised her sleeve in dissatisfaction, and exclaimed in dissatisfaction, "Xiao Junyan, what do you mean by this? I am concerned about your wife, and your wife has suffered such a serious injury. , Shouldn't you be responsible?"

"That is, if it weren't for your protection, would Mu Yue suffer so much?" An Ziyun also accused Xiao Junyan of dissatisfaction.

And they were right in saying that Mu Yue's suffering was actually left by Xiao Junyan last night.

Hearing this sister, Mu Yue was embarrassed for herself, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, showing a playful smile, and she looked at Xiao Junyan gloatingly.

Humph, dare to bully her, her support sister group can't let him go.

Xiao Junyan glanced at these little women sideways, "I'll know soon!"

"Damn it!" The little woman stared at Xiao Junyan fiercely as she faced Xiao Junyan's appearance.

This man, except for being gentle with Mu Yue, other women don't want to have a good face.

"Okay!" Mu Yue didn't want Xiao Junyan to quarrel with the sisters, and quickly stopped, "Don't worry, everyone will still have justice, and they will also pay a heavy price!"

Yuan Xiao nodded and said, "Well, I have also heard that those rich people have taken action for you. Not only did they attack Joseph Davis's Bosen Biotechnology Company, but also paid for other mercenary groups. Destroy the Anaconda mercenary group."

This news is no longer a secret in their business community. When he heard the news, he was shocked and sighed with helplessness.

Having known each other for so many years, it was the first time Yuan Xiao saw Mu Yue's influence so much.

This time, Mu Yue not only affected the entire Chinese nation, but also the rich man on the planet. He was definitely an unprecedented Chinese citizen.

"Let me just say, our Mu Yue is the best!" Mu Zhitong laughed when she heard it, and said triumphantly.

An Ziyun also said with pride and pride, "That is, this entire Chinese nation, no, the entire world, can anyone like Mu Yue let the powerful and powerful people in the world take the initiative to avenge her!"

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