Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4334: New Year's Eve Real Reunion 1

The second day Han Tao and Nangong Linfeng came to the capital was New Year's Eve.

Because Nangong Linfeng came to the secular world for the first time, and even came to the Mu's house, Mr. Xiao did not ask Mu Yue to go to Xiao's house for New Year's Eve dinner.

When Mr. Mu heard it, he felt very guilty and thanked Mr. Xiao for his understanding, so he was also an invitation, and the two families had a New Year's Eve dinner together.

Elder Xiao also felt that since he had a little bun, if there were no little buns during the New Year, this new year would not be a new year, so he agreed.

The people of the Xiao family naturally did not dare to have any objections to the decision of Father Xiao, especially the second room of the Xiao family who was not yet in Beijing.

Since the second room of the Xiao family had done something to hurt Mu Yue, it could be said that they were in a slump. Elder Xiao was even more disgusted and sent them to the other place directly, and was not allowed to go back to the Xiao family without a phone call.

Even if it was the New Year, Xiao Shufeng could only make a phone call and ask about his early years.

Elder Xiao also told him that this year's New Year's visit to Mu's house, they don't come here, and don't disturb them.

No matter how frustrated Xiao Shufeng was, he could only listen to his old father's words.

He also knew that people in the Mu family were afraid to see them in a bad mood, which would affect the good mood of the New Year's League members.

And if they go, it is estimated that they will not be seen, but they will be disgusted by them, and even more angry, if this is the case, it is better not to go.

Without the few people in the second room of the Xiao family, it feels that there are fewer people, less anger, and without the New Year atmosphere, and even if there is no small bun, Old Man Xiao feels that it is better to go to the Mu's house for New Year's Eve!

On the morning of New Year's Eve, everyone came to Mu's house one after another.

For example, Mu Yuqing and the others may not arrive at Mu's house until the afternoon, and there are fewer people like Mu Haihua who are still busy on New Year's Eve at noon.

Dongfang Sheng was also followed by Xiao Junyan from the mountain and came to the Mu's compound.

"Brother Dongfang is here!" Elder Xiao and Elder Mu said with a smile.

Han Tao hummed his nose, jokingly said, "You old fellow, you are really big!"

Dongfang Sheng saw Han Tao holding a little bun, and laughed, and said, "What is a big box? I think you have a little bun, and you have forgotten my old brother!"

"That is, you old bacon, how can you compare to small fresh meat!" Han Tao also counterattacked without showing weakness.

Dongfang Sheng curled his mouth, snorted, sat on the sofa, drank a cup of tea specially brewed by Mu Yue, sipped a sip, leaving fragrance on his teeth and cheeks, feeling well.

"How come you, old boy, came to the capital too, and did you not walk your mountain king on the top of your mountain?" Dongfang Sheng also joked with a smile.

This time it was Han Tao's turn to curl his lips and hugged the little bun, "I've said it all, I miss the little bun. How can the old bacon on the mountain compare to the little bun, which is delicious!"

Everyone couldn't help but feel ashamed when they heard this.

"Master, it's rare for everyone to get together today. Your old man will live with us. I have prepared a room for you in my house. You can't go anymore!" Mu Yue smiled and sat down in Dongfang Sheng. , With his arm around him, said in a coquettish tone.

Dongfang Sheng was very comforted for Mu Yue’s filial piety. He laughed and received, "Okay, I won’t go anymore. Even if you want me to go, I won’t go. I won’t be drunk or return tonight. !"

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