Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4335: New Year's Eve Real Reunion 2

Elder Mu smiled and said to Dongfang Sheng, "Brother Dongfang, you are a great master in metaphysics. My son and daughter-in-law have been separated for more than ten years. I want to hold a grand wedding. Let me see, what day is it? ?"

Dongfang Sheng nodded and said with a smile, "Well, I also remember this matter. Mu Yue also gave me the birthdates of the two of them. I have also seen the time. The earliest words are April 30th. The best day!"

"April 30, the time is just right!" Old Mu and the others nodded in agreement.

Old man Xiao smiled and said, "The weather was just warm at that time, it was suitable for a wedding dress, and I could also take a set of wedding photos before getting married!"

"Yeah!" Elder Mu nodded in agreement, and asked Nangong Linfeng, "I don't know what do you think of this day?"

Nangong Linfeng smiled and nodded, and said, "This is the day when the head of the mysterious doctor's school is calculating. Naturally, it is the best. I don't have any opinions, just that day!"

Dongfang Sheng is Mu Yue's master and the current head of the mystic medical school, even among the people in the ancient martial arts world, he has a very high status.

Only Mu Yue's medical skills followed by Dongfang Sheng has made people in the ancient martial arts look forward to him very much, and they dare not think of underestimating him.

Dongfang Sheng also smiled and nodded, and said, "Then this day!"

Mu Yue also laughed. She can do things depending on the day, but, after all, it's her parents, and it's not good for her daughter to show them to them, so it's best to hand it over to the master.

"Dad, what do you think?" Mu Yue asked, looking at Mu Haixuan who came in from the outside carrying two pigs' feet.

When Mu Haixuan heard Mu Yue's words, he smiled and said, "Since it's decided, let's go that day!"

Mu Yue clapped her hands and said excitedly, "Okay, then I will also arrange it. By the way, I will find a good photo shop for you and mom and take some nice wedding photos for you!"

There is nothing more happy and excited than a daughter taking wedding photos of her parents. She intends to do it all by herself.

"Don't have to be so troublesome!" Nangong Yuehua said shyly, "We are all past your young age, we don't need our wedding photos!"

"You have to have a wedding. When the time comes, your wedding photos will be the best look. And, if possible, I would like to customize a special invitation for you with the two of you on it. Where's your wedding photo!" Mu Yue said with a grin.

When Xiao Junyan heard Mu Yue's words, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he lowered his head slightly. This is good attention, and he and Mu Yue will have to do the same for invitations in the future!

Nangong Linfeng nodded with satisfaction, "Well, that's a good idea!"

"Okay, okay, cousin, your idea is good!" Du Xueqin also said with a thumbs up to Mu Yue, "I have never seen such a unique invitation!"

When Nangong Yuehua heard it, she only felt redder, and said angrily, "It's not necessary, why do you have to do so much trouble! If you want to do it, you will do this for the wedding invitations between you and Jun Yan in the future. !"

She didn't expect that it was just a small wedding and it would be so troublesome.

Moreover, she and Mu Haixuan were already considered old husbands and old wives, and it was too troublesome to do so.

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