Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4338: Little bun wants red envelope 2

Mu Yue directly ignored the people's questions, "Well, it's almost time, I'm going to prepare dinner too! You guys talk slowly!"

When the voice fell, she just flashed away and slipped away.

Everyone saw that Mu Yue was so powerful, and they were a little bit dumbfounded, and shook their heads helplessly.

Xiao Baozi's fleshy little hands tugged Mu Yuqing's sleeves, "Uncle, want a red envelope!"

Mu Yuqing lightly nodded Little Bun's head, "You, you really deserve to be your mother's son, you know you need money at such a young age!"

"Hehehe, red envelope!" Xiao Baozi still stretched out his little hand and said.

Mu Wenyuan couldn't laugh or cry, and touched his body. It seemed that there was no red envelope. "Little bun, my uncle doesn't have a red envelope now. Would you like to give it tomorrow?"

"No red envelopes, give money!" The little bun stretched out his little hand and made a gesture of counting money.

When everyone looked at it, they all stared. The little baby who is under this year already knows so much!

"Who taught this?" Mu Haiwei couldn't help being a little mad and asked.

I know so much at such a young age, how can I bring children in the future! I don't know if this child will get into the eyes of the money in the future!

When Han Tao heard this, he said with a smile, "Hehehe, kid, I can teach it slowly in the future!"

On the contrary, he felt that Xiao Baozi was smart, and he knew so much at such a young age. He really deserves to be his disciple and grandson!

"Oh, okay, I'll give you money!" Mu Wenyuan and Mu Yuqing could only laugh or cry and took out a one-hundred-yuan bill and gave it to Xiao Baozi.

However, before Mu Yuqing and the others gave the little buns, Mu Ziheng ran over, holding the 100 yuan sheet with a smile, and asked the little buns, "Little buns, do you know what this is?"

The little bun bit his finger, and said gruffly, "Money!"

"How much, do you know?" Mu Ziheng asked Xiao Baozi again.

At this moment, Xiao Baozi frowned his little brow, as if thinking of something, and then exclaimed, "A lot of money!"

Everyone laughed again, this little bun shouldn't be too cute.

"What about this one?" Mu Ziheng took out another five yuan from Mu Yuqing's wallet and asked the little bun, "Give you this? Would you like it?"

Xiao Baozi looked left, looked right, stretched out a pair of small hands, caught Mu Ziheng's money in both hands, and hugged him in a short burst of lightning. In his arms.

Mu Ziheng was taken aback, looked at his empty hands, then at the little bun, and suddenly cried, "Little bun, how can you do this!"

The little bun suddenly giggled happily, got up from the ground, and ran to the kitchen.

"Little bun, don't run!" Mu Ziheng hurried to catch up.

Being chased by Mu Ziheng, Xiao Baozi hurried to the kitchen and handed the money he held with both hands to Mu Yue, "Mom, here!"

Mu Ziheng ran in and stretched out his hands, "Little Bun, give me the money!"

"No! Mom's!" Xiao Baozi grabbed two pieces of money, immediately hid the knife behind him, pouting his mouth aggrievedly, and stubbornly screamed.

Seeing Mu Ziheng's behavior, the fourth aunt came over and patted his head lightly, "What are you doing with Xiao Baozi? If people are so small, they will give me the money! Don't be so stingy! You do it all. Uncle's!"

Mu Ziheng clutched his head aggrievedly, "Mom, you have forgotten my biological son because you have a little bun, I am playing a game of guessing the money with the little bun, and the little bun took the money! "

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