Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4339: Little bun wants red envelope 3

The fourth aunt, who was wronged by the little bun, explained to herself, "The red envelope given by the fourth grandmother and uncle belongs to the mother!"

His mother's is his mother's, and his mother's is his. He and his mother are not separated from each other.

Aunt Four's heart turned cute when she heard Xiao Baozi's clever words, she glared at Mu Ziheng angrily, "You're really getting more and more prosperous, and you know how to bully Xiao Baozi, right?"

Mu Ziheng is really frustrated, he really met a nemesis, this little bun is definitely his nemesis.

Mu Yue couldn't laugh or cry, squatted down and took out the money in Little Bun's hand, "Little Bun, in the future, other people's money can't be taken casually, you know?"

"But this is a red envelope! This must be given! Uncle Ye said!" Xiao Baozi said grievously.

Ye Tianming said that after the New Year, he can have a lot of red envelopes, he will also have money, and then he is also a rich man, and he can also raise his mother in the future.

When Mu Yue heard this, she gritted her teeth secretly, Ye Tianming's bastard, what he taught, actually taught Xiao Baozi these things.

"From now on! Don't listen to that guy's words, just listen to your mother's words, you know?" Mu Yue took the little bun's hand, walked outside, and handed the money to Mu Ziheng, "Whose money is this? "

Now that he was about to give him money, Mu Ziheng said with a smile, "It's okay, I'll give it to the little bun!"

He was just playing around with the little bun just now, not really not giving the little bun the money.

Mu Yue took the money and went outside, "Brother Yuqing, Brother Wenyuan, don't give Xiao Baozi so much money, you can't get used to it!"

"It's okay, the little bun is still small, and I was going to give a red envelope, but I didn't prepare a red envelope when I first arrived in Beijing!" Mu Yuqing smiled and waved his hand.

Mu Wenyuan also smiled and said, "Yes, and the little bun is also very good, and he is giving you the money!"

"That's right, the little bun is good, isn't it?" Mu Wenhao touched the little bun's head and said indulgingly.

Little Bun nodded his little head, held his little fist and said, "The baby wants to save money and raises his mother!"

When the old men heard Xiao Baozi's words, they almost squirted out the tea from their mouths, coughing over there.

And Mu Yuqing and the others stared at Xiao Baozi in shock. It turned out that Xiao Baozi meant such a thing!

"Haha, Xiao Baozi, are you trying to raise your mother with a red envelope?" Mu Hongbo asked Xiao Baozi with a smile.

The little bun has a tight face and said solemnly, "Well, the baby is rich, and the mother is the baby, and the baby raises his mother!"

That said, the group of people present were very ashamed!

At such a young age, I already know how to take money like a mother, and thought this kid likes money!

"Hey, the gap, this is the gap!" Mu Haiwei sighed and looked at the little bun lovingly.

Mu Haixu looked at his son Mu Ziheng disgustingly, and said, "Yes, that stinky boy in my family, now he has a red envelope and he is still going out!"

Mu Ziheng immediately blushed and lowered his head, not daring to look at his father.

When Mu Yue heard it, warm currents flowed through her heart, but at this time she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"The little bun is the best!" Mu Yue smiled and touched the head of the little bun, and said, "You are still young now, when you grow up, you will raise your mother!"

The little bun nodded obediently, and hugged Mu Yue's neck, "Hmm!"

"Good good!"

Everyone also applauded.

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