Mu Yue touched her nose, and said helplessly, "Grandpa, don't you think that if you know the result now, will you not be surprised?"

The stunned old man Xiao choked, and glared at Mu Yue irritably, "You girl, you know to anger my old man!"

Mu Yue said innocently, "Grandpa, how dare I **** you off! You are my great backer!"

"Humph!" Elder Xiao snorted proudly, "Don't let my old man get a good night's sleep every night! You don't know that selling Guanzi can easily affect people's sleep!"

Mu Yue listened to Xiao's retort, and suddenly couldn't help but laughed.

"Yes, yes, but, your old man is coming soon, Xian Ziyun's wedding will be held, and it will be Sister Fengyi's turn after it is done!" Mu Yue smiled and said to Elder Xiao.

Father Xiao nodded comfortably when he heard Mu Yue's words, "Okay, I see, you can go cook!"

"I'm coming!" Xiao Junyan volunteered to walk into the kitchen first.

Elder Xiao blew his beard and stared, and said with emotion, "It's really not a big man!"

Mu Yue smiled and said, "What is the meaning of not staying in the male college? Grandpa, do you dislike Jun Yan?"

"Just dislike him! Just like Xiao Baozi, dislike his father!" Old man Xiao hummed and said.

The little bun who was named raised his head, "I don't like Dad!"

"Haha!" Han Tao and Old Man Xiao laughed at the words of Xiao Baozi.

Mu Yue got up and said to Xiao Shufeng and Xiao Ziyun, "Second Uncle, Ziyun, you can also stay for dinner, next time you bring your girlfriend to Beijing, you can also let Grandpa see the real person!"

"Thank you Sister-in-law!" Xiao Ziyun said gratefully to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue smiled slightly and said, "Everyone is a family, why are you thanking me!"

She believes that in the heart of Old Man Xiao, she still hopes that the two rooms can be integrated into the big family of Xiao's family.

Feng Jiahui is impossible, but Xiao Ziyun's wife can satisfy Father Xiao and make their family more peaceful. Mu Yue believes that Father Xiao will be very happy.

Elder Xiao looked at Mu Yue and Xiao Ziyun, smiled and touched his beard, and said to Han Tao, "Let's go to a game of chess! I believe you can have lunch after this game of chess!"

Han Tao also nodded, and went to play chess with Father Xiao.

Little Bun looked left and right, ran to Xiao Ziyun and handed him the toy, "Uncle, play!"

Xiao Ziyun saw the toy handed in front of him. It had been a long time since he had played with it, but he smiled and nodded when he saw Xiao Baozi's expectant eyes.

"Baby teaches you!" The little bun heard this and said happily. It's boring to play alone, so it's better to play alone.

When Mu Yue entered the kitchen, Xiao Junyan glanced outside, no one came in and said, "Don't bother too much!"

"I'm doing this for the good of Grandpa, not for you!" Mu Yue rolled her eyes anger, "Grandpa still hopes that the family can get along with each other very much!"

Xiao Junyan glanced, bowed his head and kissed her on the cheek, "My wife, thank you!"

Mu Yue looked very disgusted, wiped his face and glared, "Don't be poor, hurry up and cook!"

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