Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4589: Feng Jiahui comes to the door 1

Xiao Shufeng and Xiao Ziyun, who had not been back home for a long time, were discussing matters.

Xiao Shufeng sighed softly, and said with a sigh, "It seems that the old man really does not recommend you to marry someone with status. Such a family background will satisfy the old man!"

Originally, Xiao Shufeng wanted to find a good family background for Xiao Ziyun's marriage.

However, in the current situation, they were so unwelcome to the old man, they still wanted to let the old man to forgive them and return to the Xiao family again.

This also made Xiao Shufeng and Xiao Ziyun think a lot.

And it happened that Xiao Ziyun talked about a girlfriend and thought it was okay. The two were just starting out. If the father agrees and is satisfied, they will talk about it later and get married.

The main thing depends on the old man's reaction, after all, old man Xiao is Xiao Ziyun's grandfather, this is unchangeable.

If the old man also feels that he needs a good family background, Xiao Ziyun can look for it again.

Sure enough, Father Xiao was still more satisfied with the girls now, and his attitude towards them was much better.

Xiao Ziyun nodded and said, "Well, although we can't get much benefit, I believe that as long as we do well in the future, we can still let the old man accept our family again!"

Xiao Shufeng patted Xiao Ziyun on the shoulder, "Now, you and I are the only ones left at home, your sister and your mother, don't worry about it!"

"I know that since my sister was detained, I haven't been to see him!" Xiao Ziyun snorted, and said dissatisfiedly, "To dare to hurt Mu Yue directly in front of the Xiao family in front of my grandfather, it's really impatient to live. !"

Xiao Ziyun was very angry about Xiao Kexin's stupidity, and also hated this sister very much.

Xiao Shufeng nodded, "In the future, you will ignore your mother. You have also seen the attitude of the old man. The old man doesn't want you to use the marriage to improve your status. As long as you work steadily, the old man will see it in his eyes. Help you!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Ziyun nodded confidently.

Originally, he was not afraid of anything, but because of his mother and sister, even if his father didn't need to say, he didn't want to see them again.

However, at this moment, there was a knock on the door, and both Xiao Shufeng and Xiao Ziyun turned their heads and looked towards the door.

Xiao Ziyun came to the capital for his marriage, and this incident also passed to Feng Jiahui's ears.

When Feng Jiahui heard about Xiao Ziyun, she naturally found her son in a hurry.

And the place where Xiao Ziyun lived in the capital was not her side, it must be his father Xiao Shufeng, so he went directly to Xiao Shufeng's house.

When she came to the outside of Xiao Shufeng's house, she wanted to open the door, but found that her own could not be opened at all. Obviously, after she left, Xiao Shufeng deliberately changed the door lock of the house.

Seeing that the door could not be opened, Feng Jiahui was so angry that he threw the keys to the ground and knocked on the door, "Xiao Shufeng, open the door, I know you are here!"

Hearing Feng Jiahui's call for the door, Xiao Shufeng only felt that one had two big heads, and said to Xiao Ziyun, "Go and open the door, she should be looking for you!"

Xiao Ziyun frowned, some were reluctant to open the door, and even less willing to face the snob Feng Jiahui, but nodded, "Okay!"

They have all suffered because of snobbery and haven't learned their lesson yet.

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