Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4590: Feng Jiahui comes to the door 2

Xiao Ziyun opened the door and saw Feng Jiahui was raising her hand, ready to knock on the door again.

Feng Jiahui saw that Xiao Ziyun opened the door, her face turned ugly, and the first sentence she said was a reprimand, "Ziyun, what do you mean, I didn't even know that you came to the capital, but I knew it from someone else's mouth!"

Xiao Ziyun was reprimanded by Feng Jiahui, and said calmly, "I came to Beijing to discuss my marriage with my grandpa!"

Feng Jiahui listened for a moment, then stared at Xiao Ziyun fiercely, "Did you introduce your country boy woman to your grandfather?"

Xiao Ziyun heard Feng Jiahui address her girlfriend as a hillbilly woman.

Can't help but think of Feng Jiahui's address to Mu Yue, who is also the same hillbilly.

At this moment, he really understood that Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue were together when they were opposed by Feng Jiahui. He also really wanted to leave Feng Jiahui in front of him.

"She is not a hillbilly, she is my girlfriend, and even the granddaughter-in-law recognized by my grandfather!" Xiao Ziyun said with a bit of anger.

Feng Jiahui became even more angry when she heard it, and shouted over there, "What granddaughter-in-law, I haven't agreed yet!"

"It doesn't matter if you agree or not to this matter. Grandpa has already agreed anyway, and let me take her to see Grandpa in a few days!" Xiao Ziyun directly picked up Father Xiao and blocked Feng Jiahui.

Feng Jiahui heard Xiao Ziyun's words and was even more angry.

I don't know if Feng Jiahui's original movement, coupled with the current loud noise, was heard by everyone on the same floor.

Ever since, they opened their doors one by one, walked out, and looked at Xiao Shufeng's home curiously.

Seeing the movement outside, Xiao Ziyun felt even more headache, and said to Feng Jiahui, "Mom, come in first!"

Feng Jiahui snorted, but didn't want to go in, and stared at Xiao Shufeng in the living room angrily, "Why do you want to go in? Didn't you even change the key to the door? Just don't want me to go in! Just let everyone see it, shameful It’s him Xiao Shufeng, not me!"

The people watching the theater around were all pointing at Feng Jiahui, which made Xiao Ziyun's face a little ugly.

Xiao Shufeng in the living room also heard Feng Jiahui's words and the movement outside. He had no choice but to stand up and get her up first, so as not to lose face.

Xiao Shufeng walked to the door and yelled dissatisfiedly, "Aren't you not ashamed enough? If you don't want to come in, let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for a divorce now. You also don't come in, just go back and get your account book!"

This woman really didn't want her face, this made Xiao Shufeng very dissatisfied, and even more disgusted with this woman.

When Feng Jiahui heard what Xiao Shufeng said, she became even more angry. She pointed her finger at Xiao Shufeng and spoke without going through her brain. She yelled, "Xiao Shufeng, what do you mean, do you think that you can enter Xiao's house now? Even the key to this room has been changed. Have you raised another woman here for fear of being seen by me! It’s not that easy if you want to get a divorce!"

Feng Jiahui couldn't help but think about it. Who made Xiao Shufeng not want to be disturbed by her, changed the door lock of the room, but he didn't expect to be confused.

Now, even in front of the public, saying this kind of words made Xiao Shufeng and Xiao Ziyun's father and son shameless.

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