Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4591: Feng Jiahui comes to the door 3

Xiao Ziyun couldn’t listen to Feng Jiahui’s swear words, “Mom, you’re enough, you’re going to be inflamed by yourself, and you want to separate my girlfriend and me. Obviously Dad and grandpa have agreed that we are together. You are still asking for trouble. It's slandering my dad. If you want to be ashamed, we don't have the time to accompany you to be ashamed here!"

Since Feng Jiahui wanted to trouble them, Xiao Ziyun didn't want to worry about the relationship between mother and child.

Sure enough, after hearing Xiao Ziyun's words, the people watching the theater around knew why Feng Jiahui came here to make trouble.

"Tsk, I didn't expect it!"

"I heard before that Feng Jiahui looked down on Mu Yue, who had not yet returned to Mu's family, and was about to dismantle Xiao Shao and Miss Mu. Just because she disliked Mu Yue's identity, she did not expect Mu Yue to stand up. !"

"I've also heard about it. It was because Mu Yue turned over and slapped her face, and because she and her daughter didn't deal with Mu Yue, so Xiao Kexin is still in jail now!"

"Hehe, if it were me, I wouldn't live with her again, and the lock on the door of this room would have to be changed too!"

"It's really shameless, such a woman, let's leave early!"

"I don't know how long this woman's eyes are. People whom the old man values ​​can object, and he is bold enough!"

The people who live here are all people who work in government agencies. Since Xiao Shufeng who lives here next to him, he naturally knows the situation of Xiao Shufeng and his family very well.

After all, when everyone is fine, they love gossip. The most talked about is the relationship between Xiao Shufeng and Mu Yue.

However, Xiao Shufeng recently rushed into the Xiao family, but it only targeted their father and son, but Feng Jiahui had not been able to enter.

Feng Jiahui listened to the people watching the theater around them not talking about Xiao Shufeng but talking about her. They mocked her and made her expression constantly change.

When Xiao Shufeng and Xiao Ziyun heard that people around them no longer talk about them, but about Feng Jiahui, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but they didn't want others to know too much about their family.

"What are you doing at the door? Come in quickly!" Xiao Shufeng exclaimed in dissatisfaction.

At this time, how could Feng Jiahui dare to stay outside anymore and walked directly into the room, while Xiao Ziyun quickly closed the door to prevent people outside from watching their excitement.

When everyone didn't watch it, they could only go back to their own homes.

Xiao Shufeng walked to the living room and sat on the sofa. He looked at Feng Jiahui who followed in with dissatisfaction and said directly, "Dad has already said, if I really can't stand you, let me divorce you. From then on, you and Feng's family , Has nothing to do with our Xiao family!!"

Of course, this is also a threat to Feng Jiahui. After all, it is also impossible for her to go directly to Father Xiao to verify whether it is true.

"What...what!" Feng Jiahui stared at Xiao Shufeng, "You really want a divorce. Are you not afraid that your work will be affected?"

Xiao Shufeng looked at Feng Jiahui mockingly, "If I don't divorce you, I will be affected even more. I believe that after divorcing you, Mu Yue will pay more attention to the face of the father and will help me and Ziyun!"

"You!" Feng Jiahui listened, and was so angry that she was constantly bullying her chest.

Xiao Ziyun also glanced at Feng Jiahui and said, "Grandpa also said that my girlfriend has already determined that other women will not be agreed to by his elderly. Whoever wants to make a difference to the Xiao family, grandpa will not let their family go. !"

Those people who marry him are not the Xiao family and Mu Yue of the picture?

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