Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4597: Simple Uncle Driver 3

At the same time, the guard did not find the little bun, so he hurriedly went back to inform Father Xiao and Tang Yalan.

When Tang Yalan saw that the little bun beside him was missing, she suddenly became anxious, "Little bun, good grandson, where have you been! Don't scare grandma!"

Elder Xiao came down from the stairs, saw the guard, and asked, "What's the matter?"

The guard bent down guiltily and said, "Old Xiao, I'm really sorry, Young Master Xiao ran out just now, I didn't stop him!"

Hearing what the guard said, Old Man Xiao was taken aback subconsciously, and then he reacted, "What? You said Little Bun ran out?"

"Yes!" the guard nodded quickly and said.

Elder Xiao frowned and said, "Wait a minute, I'll take a look!"

With that, Mr. Xiao went upstairs first and went to find Tang Yalan to see if the little bun was still at home.

Elder Xiao hurriedly went upstairs and went into the room, and saw Tang Yalan looking for the little bun, "Yalan, isn't the little bun at home?"

"Yeah, I searched the room and didn't see the little bun!" Tang Yalan's eyes were already a little red, and she said to Old Man Xiao.

When Mr. Xiao heard Tang Yalan's words, his expression became more serious and worried, and he said, "Just now the guard said that Little Bun went out alone, and now I don't know where he is going!"

"What?" Tang Yalan couldn't bear what Elder Xiao said, so she fainted.

After all, it was her fault that she didn't even take good care of her grandchildren.

Don’t know where the little bun was going, Tang Yalan, who could not bear it, fainted directly. Compared to Tang Yalan, the old man Xiao, who had gone through the ups and downs of officialdom throughout his life, was very worried and anxious, but he did not faint.

Elder Xiao saw Tang Yalan fainted. Where could he have the strength to move, he hurriedly left the room and went to find the guard, "How is the situation now?"

The guard said, "Now we don't know, I have notified our people to find it, and I will report to Xiao Lao!"

"Then do you know where the little bun went?" Old man Xiao quickly asked the guard again.

The guard thought for a while and said, "Young Master Xiao said that he is going to find his mother, so he should be looking for Mrs. Young!"

"This kid!" When Mr. Xiao heard the guard's words, he didn't even know what to say for a while.

He also knew that Xiao Baozi was the child who adhered to Mu Yue the most and liked Mu Yue the most, but he didn't expect that he would run away from home in order to see Mu Yue.

The guard said guiltily, "Old Xiao, it is my fault this time, I didn't look up to Young Master Xiao Xiao!"

Elder Xiao waved his hand and said, "It's none of your business. The little bun has a personality like his father. He will walk the same way to the end for everything. You can't stop it!"

Without being blamed by Old Master Xiao, the guard secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but he felt even more guilty in his heart. After all, he was not optimistic about Young Master Xiao Xiao.

"Then what am I going to do now?" The guard still wanted to make a fortune, and asked Father Xiao.

Elder Xiao thought for a while and said, "You immediately send someone to Beijing University, and I also call Jun Yan. I can't let Yue'er know about this for the time being, otherwise, she will have to worry about death!"

Thinking that they didn't take good care of them, and Mu Yue knew that this matter would be hit, Old Man Xiao really didn't dare to think about it!

You can only contact Xiao Junyan first, let him find the little bun first.


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