Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4598: Dad doesn't want baby and mother 1

Father Xiao called Xiao Junyan who was in a meeting.

Seeing that it was the phone of the Xiao family, Xiao Junyan was connected. He knew that his grandfather would normally not call him if he had nothing to do.

"Hey, grandpa, what's the matter?"

When the people in the conference hall heard Xiao Junyan calling Grandpa, they naturally understood that the person on the other side of the phone was either Mr. Xiao or Mr. Mu, and closed his mouth one by one.

Elder Xiao sighed and said, "The little bun is gone!"

"What? Yu'er is missing?" Xiao Junyan got up from the chair when he heard Old Man Xiao's words.

When the people in this conference room heard what Xiao Junyan said, they all started to talk.

"What? The young master is missing?"

"How could it be gone?"

Everyone knows that the little bun is only over one year old. It's a big deal if it's gone!

Xiao Junyan asked quickly, "Grandpa, what's going on?"

So, Mr. Xiao explained the matter again, Xiao Junyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but the anger in his heart burned.

"Damn brat, I must smash his **** after I go back!" Xiao Junyan gritted his teeth a bit.

He knew that Xiao Baozi would not be abducted casually because of his clever talent. Sure enough, Xiao Baozi ran away from home to find Mu Yue and didn't see it.

Elder Xiao said helplessly to Xiao Junyan, "It's not the time to talk about this, let's find the little bun first!"

Xiao Junyan nodded, "Grandpa, don't worry, I will find him right away!"

"Leave it to you! I didn't dare to tell Yue'er about this. I was afraid she would be worried and anxious. If you found the little bun, talk to Yue'er!" Before he hung up the phone, the old man Xiao still instructed Xiao Junyan.

"Well, I know!" Xiao Junyan nodded, and he agreed not to tell Mu Yue. If Mu Yue knew, she would definitely be even more worried.

Xiao Junyan hung up his cell phone, and the people below asked concerned.

"What's wrong with Young Master?"

Xiao Junyan closed the document and said, "Today's meeting is temporarily over. Yuer ran away from home to find her mother. I have to find him!"

The subordinates understood Xiao Junyan's words and said that they only felt that a few thunders were smashed above their heads, smashing them for a while.

After doing it for a long time, it was the young master who ran away from home to find his mother!

However, the young master is just over one year old, so he can run away from home to find his mother?

Xiao Junyan left these bewildered subordinates, left the army first, and called Ye Tianming.

Ye Tianming, who was hanging around with his mother and playing mahjong at home, almost shook his hands when he received a call from Xiao Junyan.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Ye Tianming asked Xiao Junyan quickly. Generally, Xiao Junyan must have something to call him.

Xiao Junyan said coldly, "Yu'er is gone!"

"Huh?" Ye Tianming listened for a moment, and asked in surprise and amusement, "Little bun? Gone? Isn't it just playing?"

A little milk baby over a year old, no matter how clever he is, it is impossible to miss it!

Xiao Junyan gritted his teeth and said, "That stinky boy got rid of grandpa and them, and ran away from home to find Yue!"

"Ha!" Ye Tianming listened and laughed, his admiration for Xiao Baozi was like a torrential river.

Xiao Junyan hung up after speaking coldly, "Hurry up and find it, but don't let others know!"

Ye Tianming looked at his mobile phone, touched his nose, smiled bitterly, "Little Bun, are you going to cause a world war?"

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