Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4599: Dad doesn't want baby and mother 2

Ye Tianming's mother looked at her son, "What are you doing? What happened to the little bun?"

"Nothing, nothing!" Ye Tianming thought of Xiao Junyan's instructions, smiled awkwardly, and said quickly, "Mom, if you play, I'll leave first!"

Ye Tianming ran out of Ye's house quickly, he had to find Xiao Baozi.

He seemed to remember that not long ago, he was joking that the little bun was stuck to Mu Yue, so it's better to let him find his mother by himself.

But I didn't expect that the little devil had actually gone, really killing him, but the boss and the others can't let the boss know that this is his idea!

At the same time, Kyungsung University

Passers-by are all pointing to the little bun, and the little bun has long been accustomed to this kind of transformation, and he touched his chin with his little hand and looked left and right.

He looked around and didn't seem to know where to find Mu Yue!

"Where is mother?" Xiao Baozi muttered to himself, "Mom said it was from the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but where is this College of Traditional Chinese Medicine?"

For today's surprise, he asked Mu Yue about a lot of school matters, and secretly wrote down in his heart.

I just don't know where this Chinese medical school is!

When the little bun was struggling and hesitating, a few girls gathered around curiously and knelt down, "Little brother, why are you here alone?"

"Little brother, where are your parents?"

The little bun looked at the girls surrounding him with a bright smile on his face, "Baby comes to find mother, elder sister helps baby find mother, okay?"

Facing Xiao Baozi's fascinating person and Bai Shi Bai Ling's smile, several girls were sinking, "Okay!"

"Little brother, where is your mother? Sisters will take you there!"

Xiao Baozi took off his little schoolbag, took out his mother Mu Yue's class schedule from it, and handed it to these girls, "Mom is here!"

A few girls took the timetable that Xiao Baozi handed over, and saw that it was from the Chinese Medicine School, "It's from the Chinese Medicine School!"

"Little brother, we know where the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine is, we will take you there!"

"This class schedule looks familiar, but it's from the Chinese Medicine School, which is also very close to here. Brothers and sisters will take you there!"

Each of these girls volunteered and said to the little bun.

The little bun suddenly showed his bright and lovely smile again, "Thank you sister, sister is so beautiful!"

The girls who were praised by the little buns blushed, "Oh, my mouth is so sweet!"

"Go, little brother, we will take you there!" said one of the girls.

There was also a girl who wanted to help the little bun with a schoolbag and said, "Come on, little brother, sister, help you with the schoolbag!"

The little bun was holding his little schoolbag and said firmly, "The baby comes by himself, the baby is a man!"


When everyone heard what the little bun said, they couldn't help but laughed, and they only thought that the little bun was very cute.

"Well, that sister won't rob a job with a little man!" The rejected girl also touched Xiao Baozi's head with a smile. She didn't feel embarrassed about being rejected, but was very happy. Too!

The little bun happily picked up his schoolbag again, and said to the girls, "Sister, let's go!"

"Okay, let's go!" The girls all took their little buns to the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Xiao Baozi reached out to her sister who had taken his mother's schedule, "Sister, give the baby paper!"

"Oh, here you are, little brother, take good care of it!" The girl smiled and folded the course schedule and handed it to the little bun.

The little bun put the timetable in his pocket and patted, "Hmm!"

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