Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4600: Dad doesn't want baby and mom 3

At this moment, Mu Yue didn't know that Xiao Baozi was looking for her, let alone that Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming had also activated their contacts to find Xiao Baozi.

Xiao Junyan was in a hurry.

Now that he knew that Xiao Baozi was going to find Mu Yue, he would definitely show up at Jingcheng University, so he still went to Jingcheng University to see if there were any traces of Xiao Baozi.

Xiao Baozi excitedly followed these sisters and went to the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine together. Along the way, passers-by were pointed and pointed, and there was a burst of curious discussions.

Soon, the appearance of a young boy who was as exquisite as a porcelain doll spread through the school.

"Wow, what a cute little boy!"

"Who is this boy, so cute, like a porcelain doll!"

Originally a dozen individuals followed the little bun, and finally evolved into a team of dozens of people. Following the little bun, the people who were idle almost always followed.

The little bun walked in the front, smiling and chatting with his sisters over there.

"Mom is the most beautiful, and the baby likes mom the most!"

"Baby loves mom, baby..."

The girls listened to the childish words of the little buns, and there was a burst of love.

A group of people hurriedly came to the path outside the teaching building of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The girl said to the little bun, "Little bun, your class schedule is here, are you sure it is here?"

"Yeah! Here and here!" The little bun lighted his little head and said excitedly.

The girls didn't know what Xiao Baozi's mother did, but Xiao Baozi was too small to answer.

The little bun ran into the teaching building. At this time, the teaching building was filled with students in class.

The little bun, who didn't know where his mother was, ran to the first floor first, and when he saw an open door, he ran to the door, and looked left and right inside, "No mother!"

The teachers and students in this classroom stared at the little bun standing at the door.

"Who is this?"

"What a cute nanny, there will be nanny in this school?"

The students looked curiously at the little bun who was standing at the door and looking around.

When the teacher saw the little bun, he was also stunned on the spot. When he wanted to ask about the situation, someone pulled the little bun away.

The girl who came with the little bun rushed over and said, "Little bun, your mother is not here, it's on the second floor!"

"Oh!" When the little bun heard the girl's words, he bulged his mouth and was a little frustrated, but he recovered quickly, holding his little fist excitedly, "Look for mom!"

I will be able to get it to my mother soon, and Xiao Baozi is very happy and wants to see Mu Yue soon.

The little bun hurriedly followed the girl up the stairs.

When the students in this classroom saw such an exquisite and cute doll, wherever they had the mind to go to class, they all started to talk over there, and the teacher's class was no longer available.

The little bun ran to the second floor excitedly, still muttering in her little mouth, "Mom, mom, find mom, find mom!"

Victory was just around the corner, and Xiao Baozi expressed his great joy.

At the same time, Xiao Junyan's car was about to arrive at Beijing University.

Although the little bun came to school early, he didn't run with his broken leg, so his walking speed was a little slow. Xiao Junyan was worried about the little bun and drove very fast.

When Xiao Baozi reached the second floor, Xiao Junyan was about to arrive at Beijing University.

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