Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4617: Little Bun and Dad Go 2

The little bun ran away from home, and the people in Mu's family also knew.

After the people of Mu's family knew it, they all ran to Mr. Mu and asked if this matter was true.

Elder Mu waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I have found it!"

"Is this true?" The aunt asked Mr. Mu worriedly.

The second aunt said worriedly, "How did you lose the little bun! This is just over one year old!"

Elder Mu was also a little dumbfounded.

After he learned about this, he also asked the reason. Knowing the reason, he also had nothing to say, and expressed admiration for Xiao Baozi's boldness.

"It was Xiao Baozi who took advantage of the Xiao family to accompany him to take a nap, and sneaked out, even the guards were tricked by him to escape!" Old Mu said with a smile.

It's a joy to think that the guards are all being played by the little buns, Mr. Mu is so happy!

At such a small age, the guards who have undergone rigorous training have already been transferred to the players.

"This kid!" Mu Haiye also laughed loudly, and said proudly, "It is worthy of being the seed of our Mu family, that's so capable!"

The third aunt raised her hand unhappily and slapped Mu Haiye's back fiercely, "What are you happy about? I was so scared to death when I heard the news!"

Mu Haiye smiled awkwardly, coughed twice and said, "Isn't this all right now?"

The third aunt patted her chest, "Fortunately, fortunately, Yifeng's child was well-behaved when he was a child, otherwise, my heart disease would be scared out!"

Mu Haiye was also a little funny, comforting the third aunt, "It's okay, that's Xiao Yue'er's son, that's different!"

The fourth aunt smiled and said, "Since it's okay, I will come back to see Xiao Baozi tomorrow. It is estimated that Xiao Yueer and the others will have to spend the night at Xiao's house! The Xiao family must be very scared!"

"No!" Elder Mu said with a sigh, shaking his head, "Tang Yalan was so scared that she fainted. Fortunately, she found it, otherwise..."

"It's fine anyway!" Aunt Si said with a smile.

The Mu's family also felt relieved after making sure that Xiao Baozi was okay.

The old men in those circles burst out laughing when they heard the news.

"Oh, the little guy is so capable! I really don't admire it!"

"As expected to be the son of Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan, that's so different!"

"I didn't expect that the little guy was so courageous, and he went directly to the school to find Mu Yue!"

"I really don't know how that little guy's brain grows, he's just over a year old, right?"

"Yeah, my family is still over a year old and crying for mom and dad to play. Unexpectedly, Mu Yue's son can beat his mother alone!"

"It's so popular! Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan, the parents are already very abnormal, and this son is also so abnormal!"

The old men are all sighing, they can only say that all good things are given to them.

Those young children who knew the news originally only worshiped Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan before, but now they have added a little bun who is only over one year old.

When they were young, when they were only over one year old, they probably couldn't distinguish the north, south, east, and west. They were still crying over there, calling them mom and dad. How could they have the courage to go out and fight!

Little buns are already their little idols who are brothers and uncles, none of them.

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