Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4618: Little Bun and Dad Go 3

Xiao Baozi was not allowed to sit down and eat dinner until Xiao Junyan had finished his dinner.

"Dare you still dare to do it in the future?" Xiao Junyan questioned Little Bun in his eyes.

The little bun bit his little head, pouting his little mouth, and said aggrievedly, "Don't dare!"

Xiao Junyan snorted coldly, "Tomorrow and I will go to the army!"

Xiao Baozi blinked, scratched his little head, and suddenly asked a little curiously, "Is it fun?"

Xiao Junyan's eyes gleamed slyly, "Well, it's fun!"

The Xiao family and Mu Yue nearby couldn't help trembling when they heard Xiao Junyan's words.

Xiao Fengyi quickly grabbed Xiao Junyan's arm, "I said, brother, take control, just go to the army!"

"That's right, don't take the little bun to the army!" Tang Yalan also reminded Xiao Junyan.

Elder Xiao touched his beard, and said distressedly, "I want to go to the army, but now it's too young to be suitable!"

Xiao Junyan looked at Little Bun, "Yu Er decides for himself!"

The little bun raised his little hand, "Go, baby is going to play!"

Tang Yalan reminded Little Bun, "Little Bun, you can't go, it's not fun over there!"

"Yeah, yeah!" Xiao Fengyi didn't know how to explain it, and tried his best to persuade Xiao Baozi not to go.

The little bun raised his chin, "The baby is mother's baby, don't be afraid, I want to go!"

Mu Yue touched the little bun's head helplessly, "I don't want to go when you go! Then try it!"

The little bun held Mu Yue excitedly, "Baby loves mother, mother is the best!"

"I made a mistake and want to hug your mother!" Xiao Junyan grabbed the little bun directly, carried him into his arms, and placed him in his exclusive baby seat.

"Bad Dad!" Xiao Baozi pursed his mouth and looked at Xiao Junyan resentfully.

Xiao Junyan brought his exclusive baby food to Xiao Baozi, "Let's eat!"

Xiao Baozi immediately grabbed his little spoon happily, took a spoonful and stuffed it into his little mouth, "Fan!"

After running for a day today, Xiao Junyan was punished by Xiao Junyan after returning. He hadn't eaten anything, and his belly was already groaning with hunger.

As soon as things came up, the little buns ate directly, very excited.

Mu Yue sat next to the little bun and said concerned, "Be careful, don't eat so fast!"

"Mom, eat!" Xiao Baozi excitedly held up his spoon and greeted Mu Yue and the others.

Xiao Fengyi looked at Xiao Baozi dumbfounded, "It's really healed. The scars are forgotten to hurt, and I didn't cry at all!"

"This brat is fat!" Elder Xiao took a sip of wine and said with a smile.

Mu Yue said in agreement, "Yes, I can teach it well in the future, and I can't do it anymore. Otherwise, I don't know what I want to be spoiled, and I will already run away at such a young age!"

"Haha, special case!" Xiao Fengyi laughed awkwardly, and looked at Xiao Baozi sympathetically.

The little bun at this moment had no idea that his future life would be less pampering than before, and more education.

I really don't want to be scared by him anymore.

After dinner, Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan also stayed directly at Xiao's house, and let Xiao Baozi and Tang Yalan go to bed, and were not allowed to run around.

The little bun was very reluctant, but all mothers said it was punishment, so they could only sleep with grandma obediently.

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