Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4620: The little bun who refuses to admit defeat 2

Xiao Junyan took the little bun to his office, but along the way, he attracted the attention of many people.

"Whose baby is this?"

"Boss Xiao, is this your son?"

Everyone asked Xiao Junyan curiously.

The little bun stood beside Xiao Junyan, waving his little hand, and greeted those uncles who also wore military uniforms with his father, "Hello, uncle!"

"Oh, so cute!"

"So sensible! Why did you come here with your father today?"

Although these people are a bunch of rough guys, but in their position, they already have children in their family, and naturally they also like small buns very much.

The little bun replied with a crisp smile, "Dad is afraid that the baby will pester his mother!"

"Xiao Yu!" When Xiao Junyan heard Xiao Baozi's words, he suddenly called Xiao Baozi's name.

The little bun shrank his neck and hid directly behind these uncles.

"This one……"

The soldiers expressed their shock and disbelief. They raised their heads and glanced at Xiao Junyan in fear.

"Cough cough cough... Boss Xiao, don't be like this!"

"Yeah, yeah! The kids don't understand, nonsense!"

Seeing Xiao Junyan angry, these people hurriedly helped Xiao Baozi speak.

Xiao Junyan snorted and said to the little bun, "What are you doing outside, come in with me!"

"Oh!" The little bun bulged his mouth, moved his own small steps and followed Xiao Junyan into the office.

Seeing Xiao Baozi and Xiao Junyan entering the office together, the soldiers who stayed in this corridor couldn't help but laugh, but they didn't dare to laugh.

Xiao Junyan put the stuff of the little bun on the sofa, turned his head and gave the little bun a thump, "Let you talk nonsense!"

The little bun was holding his forehead, with an aggrieved look on his small face.

He only felt that he brought this stinky boy here, and he probably ruined all the prestige he had established here.

"Drink a glass of water first!" Xiao Junyan said, taking out a water bottle to Xiao Baozi.

The little bun hugged the water bottle and drank it, raising his head to look at Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan looked at the sky outside, took a little hat and stayed on Little Bun's head, and took his little hand, "Go, Dad will show you around and let you train with the recruits!"

Little Bun tilted his head curiously, "What is a recruit?"

"It's the new soldier who joined the team!" Xiao Junyan explained as he walked with the little bun.

The entire office floor knew that Xiao Junyan came to the army today with a little bun. Hearing the movement, he stretched out his head to take a look, and he saw the cute little bun.

"Is this Boss Xiao's son? It's so cute!"

"What a lovely son, I didn't expect that Boss Xiao's son is so cute and so lively!"

"Yes, I also thought that Boss Xiao's son was as cold as his father!"

"Hahaha... Yeah! Looks like his mother!"

Xiao Junyan followed Xiao Junyan all the way, Xiao Junyan helped Xiao Junyan carry the water bottle.

"Dad, what are they doing?"

"What's this? The baby wants to play too!"


Little Baozi saw that everyone was receiving different trainings, and Xiao Baozi looked very curious, but Xiaozui hadn't stopped along the way, and kept asking.

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