Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4621: The little bun who refuses to admit defeat 3

Xiao Junyan was holding the little bun with a small hand, his big dark eyes gurgling around, looking around curiously.

Suddenly, there was a neat running sound, and the little bun turned his head to look at the sound. A pair of running soldiers was running over behind him.

Seeing these soldiers running by his side, Xiao Baozi immediately shook his father's big hand with excitement. He also stepped on his short legs and ran up with them.

Xiao Junyan looked at the little bun who was running fast, and reminded him, "Be careful of falling!"

The little bun excitedly waved his little hand and yelled at Xiao Junyan crisply, "Daddy, hurry up, hurry up..."

Xiao Junyan shook his head helplessly when he was making trouble with the little bun.

The little bun watched the soldiers throw themselves away, speeded up his short legs, and ran side by side with them.

The soldiers looked at the little buns running beside them, and they were a little funny.

The little bun waved his little hand, "Uncle, come after the baby!"

With that said, Xiao Baozi speeded up his short legs, and ran forward.

The soldiers stared at each other.

"This is Boss Xiao's son, right? He can run away at such a young age!"

"Damn, how can this kid run so fast?"

These soldiers all subconsciously glanced at Xiao Junyan, who was quickly following him.

They all knew that Xiao Junyan was engaged, and although he did not actually hold a wedding banquet, he already had a one-year-old son.

After all, that's their boss!

So when they heard that the little bun was called Xiao Junyan's father, they knew his identity.

Moreover, Xiao Baozi was still a reduced version of Xiao Junyan, and he was easily recognized by them.

Xiao Baozi ran seven or eight meters, suddenly stopped, and ran to the edge of the iron net, his little head looked at the situation inside the iron net.

"Dad!" Xiao Baozi had already been attracted by others, and instead of running with the running soldiers, he waved his little hand at Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan walked quickly to the little bun's side, "What are you doing!"

The little bun pointed at the soldiers standing in the military posture, raised his head curiously, blinked his big innocent and cute eyes, and asked gruffly, "Dad, uncle, do they make the wrong station like the baby?"

When the soldiers who had just ran nearby heard what the little bun said, they looked at the comrades who were standing in the military posture. Several soldiers staggered and almost fell to the ground.


They don't know when their military posture has become a penalty!

Xiao Junyan heard Xiao Baozi's innocent words and glanced at Xiao Baozi, "What did you do wrong again?"

The little bun shook his head quickly like a rattle, "No, no, the baby is so good, the baby is so good, don't be punished to stand!"

Xiao Junyan snorted coldly, took Xiao Baozi's little hand, and said, "I will be punished to stand again today. What happened yesterday, the punishment is not over yet!"

"Bad dad!" The little bun heard this, and was even more anxious. He hurriedly opened his throat and shouted, "Help, Mom, Mom, help! Bad dad is bullying the baby!"

The soldiers who hadn't completely ran over heard Xiao Baozi's words, and quickly speeded up their pace, and quickly ran away. How dare to take care of their formation!

When they heard things that shouldn't be heard, they were really afraid of being "killed" by Xiao Junyan.

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