Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4622: Little Bun Complaint 1

Xiao Baozi bulged his mouth, and was very aggrieved by Xiao Junyan.

Seeing Xiao Junyan's arrival, the soldier instructor leading the small class hurriedly saluted him.

Xiao Junyan nodded gently, and glanced at the little buns beside him, "Go, stand with them!"

"Bad Dad!" Little Bun muttered, moving his own small steps, standing in front of these soldiers, looking left and right.

"Stand upright!" Xiao Junyan snorted coldly.

The little bun snorted, turned his head and complained to Xiao Junyan, "Go home and tell grandma that Dad is bullying the baby!"

"Stand for an hour!" Xiao Junyan's voice was cold.

The little bun was shivering with a small body. He didn't go to see Xiao Junyan quickly, and stood straight.

He knew that if he continued to argue with Xiao Junyan over there, it was estimated that Xiao Junyan would continue to add time.

For his own good, Xiao Baozi learned to be clever and did not resist.

The sergeant looked at the little bun, then at Xiao Junyan, knowing that the little boy was Xiao Junyan's son, and looked up at the big sun again, a little worried.

"Boss Xiao,'s a bit hot, and it's not suitable for children to stand for so long!" The sergeant was really unbearable and reminded Xiao Junyan.

They all know that Xiao Baozi is only one or two years old, how can he stand for so long.

Xiao Junyan chuckled slightly, and looked at Xiao Baozi confidently, "It's okay, he can!"

"But..." The sergeant didn't know how to continue to persuade Xiao Junyan.

He wanted to remind Xiao Junyan that Little Bun is only over one year old!

However, looking at Xiao Junyan's indifferent expression, he knew that he was a subordinate, and he was an outsider, and he certainly couldn't persuade him.

The soldiers who stood almost face to face with Xiao Baozi, blinked and stared at Xiao Baozi over there.

Although the little bun was standing, his little face was making faces, either rolling his eyes or sticking out his tongue, and even tilted his mouth.

When the soldiers saw this naughty and cute little bun, they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. The muscles on their faces were shaking, and it was painful to hold back the smile.

The sergeant stood beside Xiao Junyan, and only felt that Alexander, the boss was not only looking at the little bun, but also at the soldiers he was carrying.

The other teams didn't dare to have any big gasps, they were very nervous.

The non-commissioned officer was distorted and dissatisfied when he saw his soldier's face made by Xiao Baozi's funny face.

These are still new recruits, so in the face of a funny little bun, you can't look back on a veteran like Xiao Junyan.

The sergeant was immediately furious by the performance of these soldiers. He glanced nervously at Xiao Junyan who was standing next to him, then turned his head and glared at the soldiers, shouting, "What are you doing! Stand well!"

He just felt that his face was going to be shameless by them.

Hearing the noncommissioned officer's scolding order, these soldiers hurriedly stood up straight and tensed their faces.

Xiao Baozi laughed crisply when he saw the appearance of these uncles.

Xiao Junyan glanced at the little bun. Although the little bun was facing his back, he knew that the little bun was funny to these soldiers, so he made these recruits want to laugh.

He didn't remind the little bun's behavior, but just watched it silently to see how much perseverance this little devil could have.

"Don't laugh!" Xiao Junyan scolded Little Bun.

The little bun squeezed his little face quickly, not daring to laugh.

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