Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4623: Little Bun Complaint 2

The little bun is still a child, and it's okay to stand at home, but there is still a big sun, but after standing for more than ten minutes, he can't hold on, and his face is red.

Xiao Junyan also felt that Xiao Baozi's condition was a little bad, and walked over.

"Yu Er!"

The little bun looked up at Xiao Junyan, yelling weakly, "Dad!"

Xiao Junyan put the little bun in his arms, let him sit on his lap, and handed the water bottle to the little bun, "Come on, drink a glass of water!"

The little bun immediately hugged the kettle and started drinking, sighing heavily, and leaning on Xiao Junyan's shoulder, "Dad, Hot!"

Xiao Junyan picked up the little bun and touched his little head, "Well, it's already pretty good!"

Although Xiao Junyan was strict when he was educating the little bun, but sometimes he still loved this son very much.

The little bun was born after Mu Yue's life, and he and Mu Yue's son, he naturally loved him very much.

After receiving his father's praise, the little bun was very happy. He lay on Xiao Junyan's shoulder and hugged his neck, "Daddy hug!"

"Aren't you standing? The uncles are still standing!" Xiao Junyan glanced at the recruits and reminded Little Bun.

The little bun bulged his mouth, "The baby is still small, not compared with the uncles, the baby is bigger, compare it again!"


The cute words of the little buns made these new recruits laugh.

However, they were standing in a military posture, and they quickly held back their laugh, but they had already laughed in their hearts.

The non-commissioned officer looked at Xiao Baozi dumbfounded, and looked at Xiao Baozi admiringly.

Xiao Junyan also smiled and said, "Okay, let's go back and rest first!"

"Yeah!" Little Bun nodded his little head.

However, at this moment, Xiao Junyan's cell phone rang, Xiao Junyan took out his cell phone and saw that it was Mu Yue's phone.

"Your mother's phone number!"

When the little bun heard this, he said with excitement, "Baby want!"

Xiao Junyan pressed the answer button, but he answered first, and sprinkled a handful of dog food in front of everyone, "Hey, wife!"

When Mu Yue heard Xiao Junyan's name, he smiled, "Where is your child making trouble?"

"No!" Xiao Junyan put the little bun on the ground and called Mu Yue by himself.

Where did the little bun still have the sluggishness just now, standing on the ground jumping and stretching out his little hand to Xiao Junyan, yelling, "Dad, Dad! Baby wants it, baby wants mom!"

Mu Yue had heard Xiao Baozi's voice on the other side of the phone, and said with a smile, "Let me talk to Xiao Baozi!"

"It's okay, just like I said, you have heard the voice of the little bun, it's very noisy!" Xiao Junyan was very disgusted, but accidentally sprinkled a handful of dog food, making the soldiers who curiously pricked their ears heartache!

I really didn't expect that their ruthless Young Master Xiao would have such a "naive" behavior.

When Mu Yue heard this, he was a little bit dumbfounded. This guy even eats this kind of jealousy, how is he a father!

The little bun also yelled anxiously, kicking Xiao Junyan's calf with his little feet, punching and kicking, "Bad father, smelly father!"

Dad is so bad that he won't let him talk to his mother.

The non-commissioned officers leading the team and the soldiers standing in the military posture cast contempt at Xiao Junyan, and even cast sympathetic eyes at Xiao Baozi.

It's really pitiful to have such a father!

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