Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4624: Little Bun Complaint 3

Mu Yue said angrily, "Hurry up!"

Xiao Junyan reluctantly gave Xiao Baozi his mobile phone and put it in his ear.

Xiao Baozi immediately grabbed the phone in Xiao Junyan's hand, put it in his ear, and began to complain over Barabara.

"Mom, my baby misses you!" Little Bun said to Mu Yue gruffly.

Mu Yue said with a smile, "Mom misses you too, how about your father's side?"

The little bun suddenly twitched his little nose and said, "Mom, Dad is bad, bullying the baby! Take revenge for the baby!"

As soon as the childish words came out, the soldiers who listened with their ears upright smiled, and their shoulders kept shrugging.

They only felt that the little buns were so cute that they didn't even bring the complaint overnight, so they were sued on the spot.

Xiao Junyan stared at the little bun fiercely, "Smelly boy, shut up!"

The little bun turned around and turned his back at Xiao Junyan, "Huh, mom, the bad father bullied the baby again, come and save the baby!"

Mu Yue, who was with her companion on the side, couldn't laugh or cry.

"Hahaha, Little Bun, how did your father bully you?" Mu Zhitong asked Little Bun with a smile.

After Mu Zhitong and the others knew that Xiao Baozi had run away from home yesterday, they pulled Mu Yue to chat and talked about Xiao Baozi.

Knowing that the little bun actually went to the army with Xiao Junyan today, he was very curious and asked Mu Yue to call Xiao Junyan.

The little bun pouted his little mouth and said, "Dad tells the baby to stop, and the baby is obviously right! I have to beat the baby's ass, father is good or bad!"

"Punish station!"

The soldiers who said they were still standing in the military posture only felt three crows flying above their heads.

They are not being punished, okay? It's a very sacred standing military posture!

Mu Zhitong and the others couldn't help but laughed.

"Smelly boy!" Xiao Junyan quickly reached out and took the phone in Little Bun's hand.

He heard that the person talking to the little bun was not Mu Yue, but Mu Zhitong.

Xiao Junyan said to Mu Zhitong, "Let my wife listen to the phone!"

When Mu Zhitong heard what Xiao Junyan said, she curled her lips and glared at Mu Yue, "Your husband's phone number!"

Mu Yue smiled slightly, "Jun Yan, what's the matter?"

"You don't have to worry about Yu'er, I will take care of him!" Xiao Junyan glanced at the little bun who was about to sue his mother, and said to Mu Yue.

"Well, I see, I feel relieved to hear the sound of the little buns!" Mu Yue said with a smile, "but don't get tanned, the little buns are still very young, don't sun too long!"

Now the little buns are still small and cute, so tanning will be avoided, and tanning will be better if they are bigger.

Xiao Junyan nodded, "Well, I know, don't worry!"

"That's it!" Mu Yue also hung up the phone directly, lest the partner on the side would have to do things again.

Xiao Junyan put away the phone and said to the little bun, "Okay, mom hung up!"

The little bun's face was aggrieved, "Bad Dad!"

Xiao Junyan picked up the little bun and said, "Go, take a rest first, your mother told me not to let you hang around too much, take a rest and then come out to play other things! There are other more fun things here!"

When the little bun heard that there were other interesting things, he nodded his little head excitedly, "Okay!"

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