Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4625: Pleasant little buns 1

The little bun was carried into the office by the little bun, sitting on the sofa playing with his toys, while Xiao Junyan took the time to read the documents.

After reading the documents on the table, the little bun also touched his belly, ran to Xiao Junyan's side, and pulled, "Dad, the baby is groaning!"

Xiao Junyan touched the little bun's head, "Wait a minute, Dad will get you some food!"

The army didn't have anything for Xiao Baozi, so he also brought something and prepared to go to the kitchen to get some.

Prepare the little buns and go to the cafeteria.

The rest of the soldiers' lunch is busy in the cafeteria.

Because there are a lot of soldiers, everyone is in batches, and the time is different. Now those who don't have much work come over to eat first, so as not to wait for a lot of people, not only make trouble, but also have no seats.

The soldiers in the canteen were all curious and surprised when they saw Xiao Junyan coming in with the little bun.

The little bun was already a little hungry, too lazy to walk, so he was hugged by Xiao Junyan and lay on his shoulders.

Xiao Junyan came to the canteen and asked the chef for a small canteen to cook rice buns for the little buns.

The chef asked caringly, "Should I come?"

Xiao Junyan waved his hand and said, "No, I can come! You are all busy with you!"

The little bun stood beside Xiao Junyan, blinking at these chefs wearing chef clothes.

The chef was also a little worried that Xiao Junyan could not make these. Although these chefs specialize in making food for soldiers, it is still possible to make such small things.

But I didn't expect Xiao Junyan to be very proficient, so he should have done it often.

The little bun bit his little finger, and the saliva is about to flow out, it smells good!

"Dantan!" Xiao Baozi swallowed while looking at the tea eggs one by one.

The chef smiled and said to the little bun, "Young Master, you can't eat puppets yet, but you can eat steamed eggs, do you want to eat them?"

Xiao Junyan turned his head and asked, "Is there any steamed eggs?"

"Yes, a few eggs were broken, and some of them made bowls of steamed eggs!" The chef nodded and said.

Xiao Junyan nodded, "Well, then give him a bowl!"

The little bun is already hungry now, so let's eat a bowl of steamed egg.

The chef hurriedly went to get a bowl of steamed eggs for Xiao Baozi, "Come on, young master, I'll feed it to you!"

The little bun shook his head, "No, baby eat it himself!"

Xiao Junyan took out the small bowl and small spoon of the little bun, and said, "Put it in and let him eat it himself, don't get used to it!"

When the accident heard Xiao Junyan's words, I secretly sighed that he was indeed Xiao Shao's son. He had eaten himself at such a young age, and he didn't have the habit of the second generation at all!

The chef poured the little bun into his exclusive baby bowl, which was also cold by the way, and placed the small bowl on the small table.

The little bun excitedly took his little spoon and started to eat.

Because I was a little anxious, I was scalded, and hurriedly fanned his little mouth with his little hand.

"Be careful and blow!" Xiao Junyan reminded, who had been paying attention to the little bun.

The little bun touched his little mouth, pursed his little mouth and blew, and then started to eat.

The chefs in the kitchen were amazed when they watched Xiao Baozi eating steamed eggs so cleverly.


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