Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4646: Press conference to announce news 1

"The second batch of medicinal liquor was sold, and Mu Yue made a lot of money again!"

"Yeah, I am really envious. If you can make money like Mu Yue, this money will not be very profitable!"

"How much does it cost!"

"A lot of money. These medicinal wines and spirit teas are sold for 50 million yuan. If you sell them in the future, you can make hundreds of millions of them at will!"

"I'm really envious and jealous, if only I were Mu Yue!"

"I don't know, what will happen if I steal some of that kind of spiritual tea!"

"Hehe, I want to steal, I guess it's a bit difficult! Mu Yue will definitely guard very closely!"

"makes sense!"

Everyone is talking excitedly, after all, this is a cash cow for them, a real cash cow.

Who can not covet the money maker?

It's just that they never thought about who researched this cash cow. In order to study this cash cow, Mu Yue spent a lot of effort.

They only felt that all of this was taken for granted, rather than Mu Yue owns it alone.

Unfortunately, what they don't know is that if these spiritual teas are planted in other places, they will gradually lose the effects of spiritual teas.

Therefore, even if they were stolen, Mu Yue would not feel distressed, on the contrary, it would be a waste of work to laugh at them!

Things got worse and worse outside, and the spread was very ugly, which also angered Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue's unhurried appearance, and said concerned, "Do you need my help?"

"No!" Mu Yue said to Xiao Junyan with a smile, "I will take care of my affairs, so don't worry too much!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, a cold light flashed through his eyes, "These people, **** it!"

Everything that Mu Yue did was for their sakes, to cultivate outstanding Chinese medicine masters, not to cure their illnesses and save people, but to save them.

"Okay, don't be angry!" Mu Yue smiled and patted Xiao Junyan on the shoulder, comforting him.

She knew that what Xiao Junyan could not tolerate most was that others criticized herself, and now the rumors outside had already angered him.

"Humph!" Xiao Junyan snorted coldly, "Further discussion, you can use your money yourself!"

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, "Okay, tomorrow is the day for the press conference anyway! They will be able to plug their mouths soon!"

Xiao Junyan hugged Mu Yue's shoulders, and said indulgingly, "Those people, don't worry about it, as long as we take care of it ourselves!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded gently, and said with a smile, "We just want to live our lives!"

At this moment, Longteng Building is preparing to hold a press conference.

Lan Xudong sighed softly, "Hey, these people, a group of white-eyed wolves who can't feed themselves!"

"Yeah!" Mo Lieye nodded gently, with both hands on his stomach and back, "Mu Dong never thought about taking the money earned from these two things for himself, but they thought it with that kind of dirty thought Mu Dong, I think Mu Dong still doesn't want to build that Chinese medical school!"

"Who said no!" Mu Yun lightly sneered, "I really hold the injustice for Mu Dong. If Mu Dong was the kind of selfish person, I would have already left, and even stand on my own with my own ability! They are! Just think of others with their dirty thoughts!"

Hang Zikun patted Mu Yunqing on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Tomorrow, it will be up to you how to slap them in the face. I really want to see their faces!"

"me too!"

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