Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4647: Press conference to announce news 2

Longteng Group held a press conference, and all the invited media reporters came, even if they were not invited, they all wanted to come. Of course, they were let in this time.

Mu Yue also came to the Longteng Building, Mo Lieye and the others had been waiting for a long time.

"Mu Dong, you are here!" Mo Lieye smiled and took the lead to say to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded gently, and asked concerned, "How are you preparing?"

"It's ready, just waiting for you to go!" Mo Lieye said with a smile.

Mu Yue raised her head, looked at Qin Shaoyang, and asked, "Mr Qin, are you ready with the materials I asked you to prepare?"

Qin Shaoyang handed the information to Mu Yue and said, "It's ready!"

"Well, let's go to the press conference to entertain the scene now!" Mu Yue nodded, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Mo Lieye and Qin Shaoyang followed Mu Yue one by one and went to the press conference site.

At the press conference, the media reporters had been waiting for a long time, and they were also waiting for Mu Yue to arrive.

Seeing Mu Yue and the others entered the reception one by one, they quickly took their cameras and snapped them, flashing continuously.

Mu Yue sat in the most central seat, while Mo Lieye and others sat on both sides of Mu Yue.

The host took the microphone and said to everyone, "The press conference of Longteng Group is starting now! Now our Mu Dong will give a speech!"

He didn't say what exactly was the press conference this time, he was waiting for Mu Yue to announce it anyway!

When the reporters heard this, they all handed their microphones to Mu Yue one after another.

Mu Yue glanced at the people present, and said, "I know that recently, there have been many things about medicinal wine and spiritual tea in the society, and the prices of these two things are relatively high compared to everyone. I think I am here. To make money, I feel that even if I am a yellow-haired girl who is just 20 years old, I am still a businessman, as the saying goes!"

When all the reporters heard what they wanted to hear, their eyes flashed brightly, looking at Mu Yue excitedly, wishing to pass their microphone to Mu Yue's mouth.

Mu Yue spoke lightly again, "But, I won't explain for now, I will first announce a plan to promote Chinese medicine in the future of our Longteng Group about these two things!"


"A plan to promote Chinese medicine?"

When the reporters heard Mu Yue's words, their faces were shocked and puzzled.

"Presumably, everyone knows that I am a Chinese medicine doctor. As a Chinese medicine practitioner, I am committed to promoting Chinese medicine. To this end, I will establish a pure Chinese medicine university, so that more students who love Chinese medicine can join!"

The reporters present only felt even more confused. Looking at Mu Yue, they didn't understand what her words really meant.

Mu Yue nodded to Qin Shaoyang, and Qin Shaoyang arranged for someone to publish the design drawing of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"We, Longteng Group, have purchased a piece of land in the Beijing School District, and have begun construction to build our Longteng Group's College of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

All reporters were attracted by the design drawings on the screen, and the photographers and videographers focused on the screen.

Mu Yue spoke again and said, "The funds for the establishment of this Chinese Medicine School are provided by the Medicine Winery and Lingcha Garden. Ninety percent of the funds earned will be invested in the construction of the Chinese Medicine School!"


When Mu Yue said this, it was as if an atomic bomb exploded in the center of the reporters.

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