Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4648: Press conference to announce news 3

"What? The money made by the Medicine Winery and Lingcha Garden was invested in the construction of the Chinese Medicine School?"

"Really? Mu Yue made so much money to build this Chinese Medical College?"

"So, this is the news that Mu Yue wants to announce today?"

"It turns out that it is. No wonder Mu Yue will hold this press conference today!"

Each of the reporters looked at Mu Yue with shining eyes in their eyes.

Seeing the shock and excitement of the reporters, Mu Yue raised her mouth slightly, revealing a calculated smile, turned her head and said to the reporters, "I will not only build a Chinese Medical College, but I will also build an affiliated Chinese Medical College. The hospital and the funds for the construction of the hospital also come from the medicinal wine factory and the spiritual tea garden. The school and the hospital were successfully constructed. The funds earned by the two companies have established a charity fund. In the future, patients who look down on the disease can apply for help!"

She had never thought of taking the money earned from this medicine winery and Lingcha garden as her own. Since it has spread so crazily outside, she naturally wouldn't let them down.


The news that Mu Yue announced this time once again seemed like an atomic bomb exploded in the group of these reporters.


Mu Yue never thought of keeping the money earned by this medicine winery and Lingcha garden as his own?

These two companies will make money for the poor in the future?

All the reporters only felt that the sky above their heads was rolling, and their heads were stunned. The whole reception site became silent in an instant.

Mo Lieye and others, who were sitting next to Mu Yue, were amused and ridiculed when they saw the stupid appearance of these reporters after hearing the news.

Let you talk nonsense in the past, and make speeches in nonsense, but now you get beaten up in the face.

Seeing that these reporters hadn't recovered from their shock, Mu Yue said again, "When the Chinese Medical College and the Affiliated Hospital of the Chinese Medical College are completed, the Charity Foundation will set up a website to announce all the funds. Be open and fair!"


When all the reporters heard Mu Yue's words again, the shock on his face became stronger, and he almost stared out his own eyes.

"What? Will all the funds be announced?"

"If you put it on the website, isn't that so that people across the country and even the whole world can see the use of these funds?"

"Even if Mu Yue only takes 10%, he is already very generous and kind. After all, these two companies still have to pay their employees, and various expenses! It is impossible for Mu Yue to pay for the operation of the company. Right!"

Upon hearing this, these reporters closed their mouths, and never dared to say more.

I just felt that my face was slapped with what Mu Yue said, his face was hot and painful, hot and hot.

"Damn it, who came first to scold Mu Yue, I must get it out, beat him so hard that he doesn't even know his parents!"

"It turns out that Mu Yue had never thought of using two companies to make money. I thought about Mu Yue with such dirty thoughts. Damn it!"

"Oh my god, this is a lot of money thrown away. It will definitely make a lot of money in the future. Mu Yue didn't want it!"

"Idol, Mu Yue will be my true idol from now on. I only admired Mu Yue a little bit before, but now I completely admire him, and I am totally devoted!

"Let me just say, even if Mu Yue is a businessman, he is definitely not the kind of person in the rumor!"

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