Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4652: Dean Shen seeking cooperation 1

After Mu Yue announced the opening of the Chinese Medical College, he was found by the principals of those Chinese Medical Colleges, as well as the Chinese Medicine Association.

Naturally, the first person to find was Shen Guoxiong, the dean of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Beijing University where Mu Yue was located.

When Mu Yue arrived at the school, she was called to the dean's office by Shen Guoxiong.

When Shen Guoxiong saw Mu Yue coming in, a smile appeared on his face, "Mu Yue, you are here!"

Seeing Shen Guoxiong’s smile, Mu Yue said helplessly, “Dean, are you looking for me for the Chinese Medicine School?”

Shen Guoxiong was said to be in his mind, with an awkward smile on his face, but he bit his head and nodded, "Naturally, this news of you is so exciting, I have to pay attention!"

"This is what I have planned for a long time, just waiting for the funds!" Mu Yue explained while sitting on the sofa with a smile.

Shen Guoxiong also sat on the sofa and asked Mu Yue, "Did you really build a Chinese medicine school?"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded gently, and said, "Pure Chinese medicine!"

Shen Guoxiong frowned and asked Mu Yue curiously, "Why would you want to establish such a Chinese medical school?"

Mu Yue smiled slightly and said, "Naturally, it is to promote Chinese medicine and let more people learn Chinese medicine. Don't you want to see such a situation, Dean?"

"Naturally I want to see it!" Shen Guoxiong sighed and said, "However, I am a person who speaks lightly now, and I don't have a hand like you!"

Mu Yue's mouth raised a confident smile, eyes gleaming, and she said firmly, "Ten years of trees, 100 years of trees, everything I do now may not affect everyone's understanding of Chinese medicine for a while, but I I firmly believe that ten years later, everyone’s views on Chinese medicine will surely be changed!"

What she has to do is not only the present, but also the future. It will affect the understanding of Chinese medicine by people in the future. Only by truly letting everyone understand can Chinese medicine be promoted.

Shen Guoxiong nodded softly, "Well! You are still young, with passion, and a lot of time to do this! Moreover, you still have so much ability, so much money, and more. Facilitate the promotion of Chinese medicine!"

Mu Yue leaned on the armrest of the sofa, supported her body with one hand, and said with a smile, "If there is a will, it will be done! As long as you work hard, you will succeed, I firmly believe!"

"You!" Shen Guoxiong shook his head dumbfounded and asked with concern, "Then you have established your own school, are you still studying here?"

"Naturally it's learning!" Mu Yue nodded gently, and said, "When it is built over there and can receive new students, I am almost graduated here, there is no difference!"

Shen Guoxiong suddenly pointed to Mu Yue a little bit dumbfounded and said, "It seems that you are also considered good!"

"Almost, after all, I don't want to affect my study. I plan to sum up my experience from my university life in the past few years, and how to teach my own Chinese medicine school will be better in the future!" Mu Yue said with a slight smile.

She really disagrees with the current teaching methods of the Chinese Medicine School.

It is too difficult to be a Chinese medicine doctor after graduating from school. Ninety percent of them don’t even know the most basic pulse, and they don’t even know how to learn about the diagnosis.

This is why she must study here now. Only by summing up experience can she devise a set of best learning methods.

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